My Askville strike is over! Thank you Askville! So, which November 30th improvement do you like best?
I have to say the percentage grouping is much better. I am so glad that words are shown when you rate a question, too. I missed those words!
I also like that previous questions will pop up when you ask a new question. Hopefully the most common questions will get asked a lot less. *cough* Questville *cough* Asked by Lady_Wolf_is_Lost 49 months ago Similar questions: Askville strike November 30th improvement Amazon > Askville.
Similar questions: Askville strike November 30th improvement.
I like raising the value of a true 5 star answer and that we can now challenge 3 questions at a time not just one. I am impressed that they have been reading our complaints specifically the strike and the petition. It's a lot of change in a short time.
I wonder what's next? -layyla-'s Recommendations GOOD WILL WIN IN THE END Amazon List Price: $19.95 Used from: $21.51 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 11 reviews) .
I like the return of the words! Asking someone to rate something on a 1 to 5 scale with no further input or directions is an invitation to give low rankings. The words, while not perfect, are a much better guide to what the standard is and the effects of a given ranking.
Words are good. I like them. I use them a lot.
Some people have wondered about whether my affinity for verbal things borders on the "unnatural. " But, I’ll never tell, because many of the happiest hours in my life have been spent with words. I don’t like numbers very much.
I noticed early on in school that people who were good with numbers were nerds. I noticed that pretty girls favored the guys who knew how to use words. I noticed that the math guys were lucky if a girl would speak to them.
When I got older, I noticed that the males who were good with words wound up being lawyers, writers, journalists and salesmen. Some made money, some didn’t. But we all seemed to never lack for feminine companionship.
I also noticed that the math guys became engineers, computer geeks, physicians and CPAs. They also made more money as a group. Of course, they seemed to spend a lot of it at strip clubs where they had to pay the pretty ladies who otherwise wouldn’t talk to them to give them some attention.
Some of the other math guys hired me or guys like me to represent them in their divorces, which were filed by their wives, who couldn’t stand being with men who didn’t know how to use words. Things like that showed me why it is good to be good with words.
Word Saying Mugs with 37 Titles Amazon List Price: $14.95 My Word Coach Amazon List Price: $29.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) Top 500 SAT Words Shower Curtain Amazon List Price: $20.00 Portrait of a Stripper Used from: $5.55 Confessions Of A Stripper: Tales From The Vip Room Amazon List Price: $13.95 Used from: $6.75 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 10 reviews) Divorce Poison: Protecting the Parent-Child Bond from a Vindictive Ex Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $4.951 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 51 reviews) Crazy Time: Surviving Divorce and Building a New Life, Revised Edition Amazon List Price: $14.950 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 58 reviews) .
Very happy to see the change! Of course Lady Wolf, you were the first thought I had when I saw the improved star rating. Love that it makes it so much clearer, especially for the 1 & 2 star ratings!
And I really like the idea of the previous question pop-up. I’ve only been in Askville a little over a month, yet there are a few questions out there that I swear, if they show up one more time....! Welcome back Lady Wolf ...Welcome back rating clarity...we missed you both. ;) .
My favorite change is that we will start to get our bonus coins at 3.5 stars. I still don’t like the rounding down and I never will but the changes they have made today make last week’s changes much more palatable. I just couldn’t see the point of leveling up in topics if the coin bonuses were almost impossible to achieve.
The appeals process change is good but I still only plan on appealing questions where I get the default score because the questioner didn’t vote. If votes were cast the retired politician in me tells me to accept the results and move on. My second favorite change though is putting the words with the stars because I think that the stars themselves were killing our ratings but I must ask; if we are back to the words why not just go back to the old system that was working just fine in the first place?
I am very glad that your strike is over by the way and congratulations on having the courage to stand boldly for your convictions! Sources: my opinion .
The new voting stuff I'm completely in love with the new voting improvements. It's so clear with the stars and the words and the little pictures. It should be very obvious to even newbies, I'd think.
I hope! I also really like the increase in value for 5 star final ratings. That's fair...that makes up for the increased difficulty in getting a 5 star final rating.
And, it'll make a 5 star rating even extra special. There's nothing I actively dislike of these changes. At least not so far.
I'm feeling the love for the Askville team at the moment. Sources: Welcome back LW, glad the strike is over! .
" "" Our Askville, November 18,2009....Come on in and sit a spell! "" "I would like to propose an improvement in Askville..." "What should you be doing while you are on Askville?" "How did you find out about askville? " "what is askville?
Our Askville November 16,2008 Come on in and sit a spell!
Our Askville, November 18,2009....Come on in and sit a spell!
I would like to propose an improvement in Askville...
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.