My dell insperion will not turn on and one of the lock symbols is lit. Can you tell me what these lock symbols mean?

My dell insperion will not turn on and one of the lock symbols is lit. Can you tell me what these lock symbols mean? My computer needed more RAM and when it was installed, I hooked it back up everything was completly froze.

Reinstalled the origional 250 memory chip. Turned it back on,and the screen was completly black and it keeps turning itself off. One of the lock symbols is lit out of the three.It's a dell inspiron 1150.

I don't know what to do can you PLEASE HELP me? Asked by cheri467 22 months ago Similar questions: dell insperion turn lock symbols lit Computers > Hardware > Desktops & Laptops.

Similar questions: dell insperion turn lock symbols lit.

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If not, then it probably is a hardware problem. It could be anything from power supply to motherboard to memory problems. The only way I know to troubleshoot that is to start replacing comonents, but that might not be worth it.

Read more dell insperion will not turn on and one of the lock symbols is lit. Can you tell me what these lock symbols mean? "Topics tech help, computers, windows xp, troubleshooting, laptops Sources: .

Adding NAS Locks Up Computer Menu And Freezes Shut Down I did a clean install of Windows 7 Pro x64 a few days ago. Everything was working fine until I went into the Computer menu selection and did a Map Network Drive to a Network Attached Storage (NAS), a QNAP TS-109. On the local network, I've both done a Browse to the target folder and manually entered the IP addressfolder.

Both methods connected without a problem. However, after 30 minutes or so, if I go back into the Computer menu selection, it's blank and the green progress bar in the location field up top indicates it's looking for drives but none are found. The computer is not locked up.

If I shut down the computer, it hangs where a message says "Logging Off. " This occurs just after the desktop disappears and before it saves my settings. I have to press the computer reset button to force a restart.

When I disconnect the NAS, everything with Windows 7 works normally. Two other XP computers on my network have no problems with the NAS. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Any thoughts for a solution? My System: Windows 7 Pro x64, clean install IE v8.0 x86 FireFox v3.5.5 x86 ZoneAlarm Extreme Security v9.1.008.000 Intel Core i7 920 with stock cooler ASUS P6T Deluxe with OC Palm Remote (BIOS 1102) Corsair Dominator 6GB (3 x 2GB) TR3XG1600C8D DDR3 1600 Intel X25-M 80GB SSD x 2EA in a RAID 0 configuration 128 KB stripe Cooler Master 700W 80 PLUS SILVER Certified PSU EVGA NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+ (G92) 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 LG 22X DVD +/- R DVD Burner SATA Samsung SyncMaster 953BW 19" Antec Nine Hundred ATX Mid Tower Case -troubleshooting- Sources: .

1 Look at the back of the computer. Dell has four numbers lit up when the computer is working fine. See which numbers aren't lit up and consult your manual or look online for the error code.

This will give you an idea of what's wrong. My guess is that you didn't push the RAM memory down all the way. Sometimes you have to exert a lot of force to get the chips to engage.

Otherwise, did you accident shock them with static electricity? If you have carpeted floors and you walked across them, that could zap them. Also make sure you put the memory chip in the right slot.

The original RAM memory module should be put back into the 00 slot. Hope this helps.

Look at the back of the computer. Dell has four numbers lit up when the computer is working fine. See which numbers aren't lit up and consult your manual or look online for the error code.

This will give you an idea of what's wrong. My guess is that you didn't push the RAM memory down all the way. Sometimes you have to exert a lot of force to get the chips to engage.

Otherwise, did you accident shock them with static electricity? If you have carpeted floors and you walked across them, that could zap them. Also make sure you put the memory chip in the right slot.

The original RAM memory module should be put back into the 00 slot. Hope this helps.

I have a whirlpool dishwasher and the lock light it lit up how do I turn it off.

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