..sorry for your hair problem..i have a solution for it ..you may try it ..for successfully accomplishing the treatment you need the some things..and to follow the rule exactly as described ...so be start to give a rebirth to your hair :- 1. You have to make a conditioner which will be made by olive oil and egg..this is called the emergency treatment it reduce the number of your hair fall for the sun ...it" rel="nofollow">damaged...it is primary step. The time and dose is you have to apply this once a week for a month the method is whisk one egg yolk with two tbsp of olive oil in a bowl...apply this to the lower pertain of the hair specially at the end ...it will surely give relief to your hair.
Apply this and stay before apply shampoo ..and then wash it...with cold water. 2. The next part is to give a E treatment ....you can bought it from local store or by home made ..i give a small description to make it home break or open 5 or 6 vitamin E capsules and combine it with shampoo .
Its main purpose to make hair shiny smooth and healthy 3. Don't forget to to get regular hair trims ..like once or twice a month..these trim gets rid of damaged hair and grow new hair faster with much quicker. 4.
You must remember to fix your hair dryer in low heat or cool setting with you use it. Shampoo and condition frequently to stop hair loss and make them beautiful as you... ****Remember to rinse and shampoo your hair if you take swimming in salt water ... AND MOST IMPORTANT THING HAVE PATIENT ..IT IS NOT A ONE NIGHT SOLVING PROBLEM. IT WILL TAKE TIME TO RECOVER YOUR HAIR .. hope I can give your answer..and make satisfy you ...
You may want to start with a nice trim. Get all the dead ends cut off. Next, invest in a deep conditioner.
This is more moisturizing than regular, every day, conditioners. You can usually buy deep conditioner in small packets for a dollar or two each. They sell them at beauty supply stores.
You may also find deep conditioners at normal stores that you visit more often. Just check down the hair care isle. The deep conditioner can be used once or twice a week.
You will leave it on the hair for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse. You should notice a big difference even after the first treatment. Last tip: Try to stay away from hair coloring or even thermal hair tools.
You do not want to create more damage to the hair right now.
Just check down the hair care isle. The deep conditioner can be used once or twice a week. You will leave it on the hair for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse.
You should notice a big difference even after the first treatment. Last tip: Try to stay away from hair coloring or even thermal hair tools. You do not want to create more damage to the hair right now.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.