My son put some instant tire patch into a tire instead of getting it patched the "right" way. Is the tire ruined?

The stuff inside the tube is temporary but otherwise inobtrusive. One should be able to add an exterior patch without problem.

My understanding is that the sealant-inflator is intended to get you to the tire center to get it fixed, and that leaving it in for a long time will mess up the balance of the tire, and can make a mess of the inside.

Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. Cbc6529 13 days ago .

Note that when I say "make a mess" I mean that in the literal sense rather than the figurative sense.

No, but the instant patch will eventually wear off and the tire will go flat again. He didn't so permanent harm, but he also didn't do a permanent fix. Your best bet is to take the tire (no hurry, but soon) to a tire place and have them do it right.

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