Each state is operating a little differently. Here in Rhode Island, forms were sent to those with exhausted benefits last week. Those who return them will start their benefits with week ending 11/14 if their claim is valid.It will not go back to any other weeks you missed.
So if your benefits expired a month ago, you won't regain those months but you will get unemployment going forward from the 14th in RI and I believe that's quite similar in other states. Unemployment Insurance Extended Benefits Purpose Extended Benefits are available to workers who have exhausted regular unemployment insurance benefits during periods of high unemployment. The basic Extended Benefits program provides up to 13 additional weeks of benefits when a State is experiencing high unemployment.
Some States have also enacted a voluntary program to pay up to 7 additional weeks (20 weeks maximum) of Extended Benefits during periods of extremely high unemployment. Eligibility Extended Benefits may start after an individual exhausts other unemployment insurance benefits (not including Disaster Unemployment Assistance or Trade Readjustment Allowances). Not everyone who qualified for regular benefits qualifies for Extended Benefits.
The State agency will advise you of your eligibility for Extended Benefits. Benefits The weekly benefit amount of Extended Benefits is the same as the individual received for regular unemployment compensation. The total amount of Extended Benefits that an individual could receive may be fewer than 13 weeks (or fewer than 20 weeks).
Filing A Claim When a State begins an Extended Benefit period, it notifies those who have received all of their regular benefits that they may be eligible for Extended Benefits. You may contact the State Unemployment Insurance agency to ask whether Extended Benefits are available. Also see: http://www.mahalo.com/unemployment-extension.
Here is a breakdown of the new filing deadlines for federal extension benefits now that the program has been extended for another 13 months.
I didn't recieve a Continued Claim Form. Where can I get one? Can I check the status of my extended benefit payments online?
Can I use the same PIN number that I use to check the status of my regular UI payments to check the status of my extension benefit payments? If I’m granted an extension, will I get benefits for any missed weeks? If an extension is automatically filed for me by EDD, what will I be receiving in the mail?
Do employers have to pay for federal extended benefits? What if I’m still having difficulty in finding a job?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.