Good question. I do this for a living. I've done this recently with a Dell 1525, and a few other Dell models.. Two ways: Use a DELL restore CD.
I've got four sets, and all sets have the same XP cd (ok, one is pro, other is home)... Most restore CDs are either SP1a or SP2, as Vista was live when SP3 came out. If you can find a Sp3 restore cd, thats ideal. OR use a Windows Home Edition OEM disc.
This would be the ideal CD to useif you don't have a Dell restore cd.. If you cannot find a OEM CD, a Windows XP install CD would work, but if its a retail copy, the numbers on the COA sticker won't work with it. Upgrade copy will also work, but you have to have a retail version of 98/me/2k etc.. FOR BOTH solutions: While windows is installing, use another computer and visit Dell. Com and find the drivers for ethernet or wifi card for the Dell Inspiron 6000 series.
This link should work: Also grab the Service packs from Microsoft. Put them on a flash drive or CD. After windows installs, update the drivers on the laptop so it can connect to the internet.
If you used the OEM solution, let windows activate. The DELL version is automatica and requires no activation. Install the service packs up to SP3.
Visit Windows Update via the Start menu. Let windows update.. Click on Custom update. Update ALL the hardware drivers.
Thats it, you now have a working updated laptop. As for battery: Thats an older model, batteries can be found on the net for $40 or so.. I'd probably get one off ebay. Don't waste your money buying direct from Dell, this stuff is easy to find on the secondary market... Please let me know if you have any other questions or problems with that solution.
I'll suggest using Dell's disk, as Most of the drivers should already be on there. It should then be pretty easy to install the most updated versions Also, If you are using a generic Windows XP disk, it might not accept your dells XP product key so it might not install. The Dell Restore disks I've got, don't have any of the crapware that was on the original install.
However I've seen that if you restore from the recovery partion (On some systems) then the crapware is part of the restore.
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I would get a full verson of windows not a upgrade after that backup all your work the windows full I would get is xp pro but if you like vista then get the vista one but a full one not a upgrade you will thank me if you buy a full windows disk like xp pro no crapware will be on it . You know when you have trouble with windows and system restore does not help a full copy will fix the problem fast and you will not need a pc repair man to come to your home and fix it when there is a problem with your windows.
This would be the ideal CD to useif you don't have a Dell restore cd.. If you cannot find a OEM CD, a Windows XP install CD would work, but if its a retail copy, the numbers on the COA sticker won't work with it. While windows is installing, use another computer and visit and find the drivers for ethernet or wifi card for the Dell Inspiron 6000 series. Also grab the Service packs from Microsoft.
Put them on a flash drive or CD.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.