Obama vs Romney : Who would you vote for Obama or Romney?

Mitt Romney has experience in the private sector and as a governor, something Obama has absolutely zero experience at. He had no executive leadership experience until he was elected President of the United States of America. There would be no more blaming Bush for an economy that is stagnant 3 years after Bush left office, there would be no more telling us to stick it out a little longer, as if we have a choice in the matter. We're told that we have to "make sacrifices", well, we're ready, Mr. Obama.

We're ready to make those sacrifices, now where do we sign up? When are our "sacrifices" going to result in 4% unemployment, $2.30/gallon gas prices, and the DOW at 14,000 points, like it was under Bush until the liberal Democrats took over Congress in 2007? I think it's Obama who needs to sacrifice his job in order for the economy to recover.

And don't call me some Republican nut job or whatever liberals use to brand people, I'd LOVE to see Bill Clinton back in the White House, he's got a great track record with the economy, too. When it comes to a prosperous economy, partisanship takes a backseat. I'm not saying that Romney is the guaranteed answer.

What I am saying is that Obama is NOT the solution. Romney may not be the Reagan to Obama's Carter, but he's not Obama, and that's definitely something to ponder. Elect a president with actual, real experience as an executive leader and private sector leader, not some "community organizer" and 2 and a half year Senator trying to learn how to "lead" on the fly.

Clinton and Bush were both GOVERNORS before they assumed the Presidency, and we see what the economy looked like under them. Everything was fine until the liberals took over in 2007. If you don't think the economy was good under Bush, just ask your parents how things were in 2004 compared to 2009 or 2011.

It takes 4 years of Carter to get a Reagan, and while we sadly can't reelect Clinton or George Bush, we can vote out Obama. Mitt Romney is an instant upgrade over Obama, just compare the resumes. Barack Obama had and has nothing on his resume that would indicate he would be a successful President of the United States, at least Mitt Romney can point to things in his past and career that can indicate ability and leadership qualities.

Just look around in your community: business are shutting down, homes stay on the market for a year plus, loans have high interest rates, I see it everyday. Please, do not reelect this incapable and in-over-his-head phony. You will be better off under Mitt Romney, because there is nowhere to go but up from this point.

Mitt Romney is infinitely more qualified than Barack Obama to run the giant corporation that is the federal government of the United States.

Well, given how unemployment is higher than when Obama first took Office, a trained monkey could do better, so Romney qualifies.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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