Off shore drilling vs. alternative energy plan. Discuss?

Off shore drilling vs. alternative energy plan. Discuss From what I have read, offshore drilling (off the coat of CA) will take at least 10 years to get any usable oil. And then with as much as our country goes through, the amount of oil that could be produced would begone within 18 months.Is this really a good solution?

I'm not saying that the above statements are completely accurate, but enough so to give me pause. As for other sources of energy, including air/solar power, or sources of fuel from plants, may also take a while to implement, but at least these sources are not finite. What do you all think?

We have already done so much to Mother Earth that it's not a question of 'if' it's going to bite us in the a$$ but WHEN and HOW BAD. And there's a good chance that the much too late wake up call will be in our lifetime. People hear about Global Warming, & many don't understand how bad it is already.

We've passed the point where we could turn in around, and by the time the 'symptoms' are bad enough for true notice, it'll be too late Asked by Koru 40 months ago Similar questions: shore drilling alternative energy plan Discuss Environment > Energy.

Similar questions: shore drilling alternative energy plan Discuss.

Bush-era offshore drilling plan is set aside, Obama team eyes renewables. Bush-era offshore drilling plan is set asideObama team eyes renewables, seeks more input on Atlantic, Pacific coastsWASHINGTON - The Obama administration on Tuesday overturned another Bush-era energy policy, setting aside a draft plan to allow drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. "To establish an orderly process that allows us to make wise decisions based on sound information, we need to set aside" the plan "and create our own timeline," Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced in a statement.

Alleging that the Bush administration "had torpedoed" offshore renewable energy in favor of oil and natural gas, Salazar said he was extending the public comment period by 6 months. "The additional time we are providing will give states, stakeholders, and affected communities the opportunity to provide input on the future of our offshore areas," he said. Salazar also ordered Interior Department experts to compile a report on the Outer Continental Shelf's energy potential — not just oil and gas, but also renewables like wind and wave energy."In the biggest area that the Bush administration’s draft OCS plan proposes for oil and gas drilling — the Atlantic seaboard, from Maine to Florida — our data on available resources is very thin, and what little we have is twenty to thirty years old," he said.

"We shouldn't make decisions to sell off taxpayer resources based on old information. "The Interior Department oversees 1.75 billion acres on the Outer Continental Shelf, an area that's about three fourths the size of the entire United States. Environmentalists and some tourism-dependent coastal states oppose the drilling, citing the potential for spills and urging an emphasis on renewable energy instead.

Energy companies counter that drilling has become safer over the years and that royalties from any finds would be in the billions of dollars.(read more at the link below) Sources: .

Alternative Fed action to shore up the US economy. I think this is a better approach than the bailout plan. What" "Who is more likely to bring us a new energy policy of less imported oil and alternative energy?

McCain or Obama? " "is nuclear energy a very good alternative? " "What's the best energy supplement you've used?" "How does the US get energy?

" "King of the US question--if you could do anything, what would be your Energy plan for the country for the next 50 years? " "How is solar energy becoming more free energy than other energy sources?" "Off shore Drilling is drilling done at least 40 miles off shore. Unless you have superman vision you would not know.

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Alternative Fed action to shore up the US economy. I think this is a better approach than the bailout plan. What.

Off shore Drilling is drilling done at least 40 miles off shore. Unless you have superman vision you would not know.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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