One of our local radio stations has a program where they choose people and let them play 5 songs from their iPod?

One of our local radio stations has a program where they choose people and let them play 5 songs from their iPod... on the air. If you were chosen, what five songs from your iPod would you choose to play? Asked by Rickisgirl 48 months ago Similar Questions: local radio stations program choose people play songs iPod Recent Questions About: local radio stations program choose people play songs iPod Entertainment > Music.

Similar Questions: local radio stations program choose people play songs iPod Recent Questions About: local radio stations program choose people play songs iPod.

I'd want to expose the world to music they've probably never heard... I just pulled out my Zune (I don’t have an iPod per se because I don’t like that you have to do everything through iTunes, but I’m assuming they wouldn’t disqualify me), and looked through it to pick 5 songs which I think would all be from artists very few peole had heard. Now, I’m going from the assumption that this hypothetically would be a rock station, because if it’s top 40, hip hop, adult contemporary, jazz or country, this list wouldn’t fly very well. But in the interest of spreading the gospel of underappreciated rock bands, I’d have the perfect five on my Zune.

First I’d pull out a track from a band out of Chicago which put out one album in 1992. The band was called Life, Sex & Death (LSD), their one album "The Silent Majority" produced a couple songs that got some airplay on MTV in ’92/’93. The song I would pick is called "Tank", and I am attaching a YouTube clip which does have the song in its entirety, but the video is not the actual video for the song, it’s just a pastiche of images some YouTuber put together.

I’d then go onto perhaps the most criminally overlooked singer in American music...Tom Waits. Probably everyone has heard his songs done by other people...Springstein’s "Jersey Girl" is one of his songs, as is the Eagles’ "Ol’ 55" and Rod Stewart’s "Downtown Train" (which he completely ruined if you ask me). Waits is an interesting musical character...he started off as a singer/songwriter/storyteller, but when he met his wife in I believe 1980, she introduced him to a lot more experimental music, and his music kept the strong songwriting aspects that made it so good, but he infused an experimental sound via incorporating everyday objects as percussive instruments into his songs, this with his incredibly raspy, deep voice, makes him a unique, influential and truly essential pefromer in rock and roll history.

I would say the one track I’d really like the world to hear would be off his 1992 album "Bone Machine". I’d pick the first track "Earth Died Screaming" which featured Les Claypool from Primus. Next on my list would be a band called Kyuss which started in the very late 1980s.

They released their first of 4 albums (as Kyuss) in 1990, but it was 1992 when they released "Blues for the Red Sun" from which the song I'd play "Thong Song" is taken. Kyuss was classified as "stoner metal" because of a slower, deeper more pyschedelic bluesy sounding form of metal they played. Though not recognized as much at the time for what they've accomplished, they do now have a sort of cult following, in no small part from the fact that their original guitarist Josh Homme and bassist Nick Oliveri went on to form another much more successful stoner metal band, Queens of the Stone Age in the late 90s after Kyuss was long broken up.

Oliveri left Kyuss before their breakup to form a band called Mondo Generator, then joined Homme in QOTSA, but was kicked out after a couple albums. Homme also formed the almost hard rockabilly band Eagles of Death Metal with a friend who overheard some guys at a party talking about music. When a drunk guy told another guy his favorite death metal band was Poison and the other informed him that Poison wasn't a "death metal" band, the drunk guy replied, "yeah they are...they're like the 'Eagles' of death metal.

" Hence a band was formed. The next band falls under the category of among my all time favorites, yet they probably have less name recognition than almost anyone else on this list. They are Enuff Z'Nuff, and if you DO remember them, what you remember is probably God-awful.

This band was around, again out of Chicago, playing together since the early 80s. It was essentially a couple guys who idolized the Beatles, but were also heavily influenced by bands like Cheap Trick and Queen. They had a following in the Chicago area as early as the mid 80s, and in fact, one of their original guitarists from this period, Alex Kane, played with Life Sex & Death before he made his name with that band.

At their core is this 2 man songwriting team which has written literally hundreds of unreleased tracks...their sound is hard rock...though they are often mistakenly called a metal band, but their hard rock is infused with strong pop sensiblities ala their idols the Beatles, and they make great use of 4 part harmony and melody, while still providing a hard rock structure that makes them sound, well, like a metal version of the Beatles. The singer's voice even recalls to some extent John Lennon's (and to a lesser extent Elvis Costello). They had 2 hits in 1989 off their major label debut, one was called "Fly High Michelle" and the other "New Thing"...both had videos in fairly heavy rotation, I believe both songs cracked the hot 100 charts and they seemed to have a promising career.

Only problem, they identified more with the hippie aesthetic, but glam metal was what was selling records in '89, so they took their flower power image and merged it with 80's day glo, big hair and spandex, to create two of the worst videos you'd ever want to see. They also made Beavis and Butthead, but unlike the LSD tracks, the boys did not approve of their output. So, as much as I loved Nirvana and the fall of vacant heavy metal, these guys went down with the ship, and their 1991 opus, an album I'd put among the top 10 rock and roll records ever released, "Strength", made no inroads.

It did not help that the hottest band of that era, just before Nevermind hit, was Nelson, guys with whom they made friends and went on tour, forever consigning them to the junk heap of 80s metal. But they've persevered...through the deaths of 2 key members and the decision of the singer to keep recording material with the band, but not to tour with them, they've manged to crank out 16 amazing records steeped in the Beatles, the Blues and hard rock. I could pick any track from their 2nd album (Strength), but since I can't actually find any songs or videos from this album online, I'm going to jump to their 5th album (and 2nd best in my opinion), 1995's "Tweaked", pick the song "Life is Strange", for which I can find a video (though don't expect much from the video...this band made 2 videos with major label funding and they were both horrible, this one was made when they were on an indie label, so it's pretty cheesy, but the song is great).

I'd recommend next time you're looking through a bargain basement bin of CDs, look for a copy of this, you'll probably find one for a couple bucks, and it will be the best couple bucks you've ever spent. And finally, anyone who is from Canada and loves rock and roll will be familiar with this band, but those of us in the states are by and large denied. They are a hard rock 3 piece called Danko Jones (also the real name of the singer).

They sound like AC/DC got in a fistfight with Kiss. They rock extremely hard and have a lot of fun. They just recently released their 6th album (though not yet in the US), but you have to reach back to their 3rd album "Born A Lion" released in 2002, off the 2005 US re-release of their 2003 album "We Sweat Blood", which would join Enuff Z'Nuff's "Strength" on the list of the 10 greatest rock records of all time in my opinion.

This album might cost you 8 or 9 bucks used, but again, it would be money well spent. And as an interesting aside, Danko Jones' 5th album "Sleep Is the Enemy" contains a track called "Invisible" on which he duets with the former vocalist from Kyuss (John Garcia). So to recap, here's my 5 songs: Tank - Life Sex & Death Earth Died Screaming - Tom Waits Thong Song - Kyuss Life is Strange - Enuff Z'Nuff Lovercall - Danko Jones .

Tough one... but... I would choose: James Brown - I Feel Good Ian Moor - Nothing Poco - Hoe Down Jimmy Buffett - Quietly Making Noise The last one is a hard one because on the one hand I would like to share some of the work I did in the mid 1980s. On the other hand, I have too much out of print blues not to share something from one of the old masters. So... old school wins out.

Lightnin' Hopkins - Bud Russell Blues Sources: My mp3 player...

I would select an eclectic mix Joni Mitchell - Carey Bob Dylan - Joey or Hurricane Sarah Mclachlan - Angel Eric Clapton - Cocaine Gram Parsons - Grevious Angel SWFpdx's Recommendations Blue Amazon List Price: $11.98 Used from: $5.97 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 223 reviews) Desire Amazon List Price: $11.98 Used from: $6.25 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 38 reviews) Surfacing Amazon List Price: $111.98 Used from: $11.98 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 602 reviews) THE CREAM OF CLAPTON G.P./Grievous Angel Amazon List Price: $111.98 Used from: $11.98 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 74 reviews) .

Great question Okay... only 5, that's the hardest part. I will just go with my instinct. Jeff Buckley "Lover You Should've Come Over" I love this song, I love the wonderful Jeff who died too young.

Bon Jovi "Blame it on the Love of Rock n' Roll" I am a huge Bon Jovi fan and just figured out of ALL the songs (much more than the stuff popular in the 80's) this one pretty much says it all. Otis Redding "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" This is my calm song. I could be having an hysterical fit (not that I do that on a regular basis, mind you) and if you played this song, I would just be able to let go and let be.

It's my soother. Rosemary Clooney "Don't Fence Me In" I have loved Rosie since I first saw White Christmas when I was six. ( Still my favorite holiday movie) I have cultivated my love for piano jazz through her.

This is my probably my favorite. Joss Stone either "Victim Of A Foolish Heart" or "Torn and Tattered" The reason I put two is that one's a cover and one's from her written album and it would just depend on the mood I'm in. Sources: me and my ipod Koru's Recommendations These Days Amazon List Price: $13.98 Used from: $4.50 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 83 reviews) The Soul Sessions Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $2.28 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 317 reviews) Grace Amazon List Price: $11.98 Used from: $5.05 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 545 reviews) The Very Best of Otis Redding Amazon List Price: $11.98 Used from: $5.05 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 55 reviews) The Essential Rosemary Clooney Amazon List Price: $11.98 Used from: $5.05 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) .

1 The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Jungle Boogy, Theme from Lion King, The Banana Boat Song ("DAYYYYY-O"), .

The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Jungle Boogy, Theme from Lion King, The Banana Boat Song ("DAYYYYY-O"), .

" "I'm starting my own label and have a Cd on sell how do I go about getting radio stations attn. To play my music" "Why is it that some radio stations will play song lyrics unedited (such as The Who "Who Are You") which contains the "F"" "Do the people who write songs get to choose who will sing it?

I'm starting my own label and have a Cd on sell how do I go about getting radio stations attn. To play my music.

Why is it that some radio stations will play song lyrics unedited (such as The Who "Who Are You") which contains the "F.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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