Mehh... Megan Fox and I are over. Sure, she looks good and all... but I find her sort of pretentious. Pretentious, stuck-up chicks are no fun.
Beyond my fickle view, I don't yet think that she's a great actress. While she hasn't had enough rolls (or roles) to show if she is a diverse actress, her acting ability isn't enough to get me into a theater. Combine her acting abilities with Catwoman and I think that Hollywood will have another flop on their hands.No actress has really been able to convey Catwoman properly.
When compared with the league of character actors that have made the current Batman franchise successful I think that Fox will be seen as inferior. I hope I'm wrong.It really would be cool to see Bale duke it out with a strong female character. I'm just not sure if Fox is it.
It's been ruled just a rumor. People magazine defunked it.
I heard it as just a rumor. This link says she has NOT been cast in the role She is beautiful and has a great body so she would look great in the part. I just don't like her attitude lately so that makes me not really want to see her anymore.
She sure is "catty" enough because some of the comments she has made about other actors is just down right bitchy. In an interview when asked about what she thinks of men here is her response On men that come on to her: "Retards. Ridiculous.So pathetic!
" On men, in general: "They are weak. Like puppies."
Ms. Fox does not strike me as "Catwoman". She's not tall enough for that.
That was the quickest "Here's the back door" that Hollywood's ever given a shallow hottie like Megan. You know, because the Cat Woman role has worked out sooo well for so many Michelle Pfeiffer.....and Halle Berry. Didn't both ladies issue apologies for those performances?
No? Well they should have! Really, if that girl wanted to make a go of a serious career, then she just sunk herself right here with this role.
She has permanently pigeon-holed herself as a slinky sex kitten who is only good for a career as long as she can squeeze into a size 0. Seems to me the flash in the pan is already fading.
Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry were both perfect cat women. Megan Fox is a good actress but .... I just don't look at her and see Catwoman. It just doesn't seem like a good fit to me.
I have seen some of the possible pictures of her as catwoman but I can't help comparing her to previous catwomen and she just seems to come up short. There just seems to be something missing. I don't know, maybe if I see her in action in costume I might change my mind.Maybe.
These are supposed to be possible pics of her as catwoman.
I really like Megan, but sincerely I hope this is not just a rumor like the one that said that she would become the next Wonder Woman.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.