Philosophy at wits end: What is your best memory that you fall back on when things seem to fall apart?

My best memory is sitting in a rocking chair, in the middle of a very quiet night and feeding my newborn as she looked up at me I've never before, or since, felt so perfectly connected to the universe, past and present as I did then looking into her innocent trusting eyes She's forty five now, so you can imagine how powerful that was, to have lasted this long.

Hmmm I can't say best because it would take me hours to decide and i'm really hoping the best is yet to come but I have this memory sledding with family and friends having a great laugh with friends all those nights where my friends slept over talking like all day with that guy about like philsopical things or absolutely silly stuffs going to harry potter world in florida reading a really good book watching a super epic movie (for me that like jurassic park, lord of the rings, pride and prejudice) eye contact with that one person who makes you feel like you're a better person around (which for me is I guess my crush) those days where you really do feel beautiful being called beautiful or pretty doing something nice for someone else thinking about something big you accomplished most of the them are with people and are social events for me feeling close to god going to my holy place (i.e. Mosque, church) When things seem to fall apart I still have hope for the future.

Best is subjective... best means no others can compare. If I only had ONE of those... I'd be feeling sad. I have many that are so wonderful... The best memories are with me and around me all the time.

One memory leads right into another and the smiles keep coming. How can there only be one memory that makes it all worthwhile?

I don't know about a memory. But when I'm at wits end it usually helps to remind myself that I'm not dead yet. So until that happens, there's still hope.

Any memory of my dad. He was a strong man. He was my rock.

Going to God for comfort, guidance and protection. He never, ever lets me down.

And thanks for the creator of the scene....! God bless him :).

Being with the one I loved, embracing and talking and life and love.. Bliss. Gets me through a lot.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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