Poll: I was gang raped, still cannot get over it?

What an awful story. Very badly written, and without any real imagination. Stick to your pizza delivery job, you don't have what it takes to be a writer.

I'm really sorry this happened to you. Now, please give me the name of the university, sorority, and the location. Please.

I may be able to help... yeah help you out with this if I receive this information...

Yes, I have noticed and it also irks me but I don't have enough time to preach everyone how a realistic name is given by the personality of the parent, not the soul appearance and personality of the character. Naming a character from their physical appearance and emotional characteristics is the right path to creating a Mary Sue and Gary Stu. People don't realize how important names can be to a story line.

They can be beneficial of completely tear apart your work. If I named a boy Angel and later in my book said his mother absolutely hates religion.... How do I explain his name if it was given to him by his parents? This would be a loophole most writers are missing.

Names, just like characters, have a story. They have a reason and this reason is big enough to subtract, as well as add, realistic base to your story. How hard is it to make a little parental profile to come up with a name?

Really, don't worry about names until the story is written, unless it's a large part of the plot. Yet, either way, we should be naming our characters realistically. I swear, If I see another red head named Scarlett I'm gonna..... uhhhhh >=( Sometimes I wonder how some people completely overlook the obvious flaws in a storyline.

I completely agree! I'm 14 years old and my PASSION is writing. I love grammar and English so much, it really interests me.

And people wonder why I like school! Anyway, back to the point, I try to my best to not use a lot of cliches, but it's impossible. I use to do that, but I learn form mistakes, right?

Most young writers are amateurs, unfortunately, and the worst part id that they think they write so well written. And when people try to help them, you can't say anything because it's so perfect. At least that's what I've experienced.

When I try to help most people on yahoo (who are primarily adolescents) they're mad when I tell them it's not that good. I even point it out and they put a thumbs down. Man is not perfect.

I'm just sayin'. I absolutely agree with you! And not all young writers are ameteurs by the way, then I would be calling myself that.


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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