Ps3 vs wii vs ps2 vs psp vs nintendo ds vs xbox 360 vs ps1 vs xbox?

Actually your facts are a bit off. The PS3 is actually the first console to support 3DTVs for both games and (3D blu-ray) movies. Both the PS3 and Xbox have had Facebook and other social apps for ages before the WiiU came out.

Both the PS3 and (newer) Xbox have built-in WiFi adapters. In all cases, you still need to have an internet connection and a router with WiFi capability. The WiiU, like the Wii, does not have built-in ethernet.

The Wii and PS3's online system is free while it costs $60/year to play online with the 360. Even a low-end gaming PC is going to cost $600, with a high-end PC starting around $1200. That's way, way more than any console.

Granted, the gap between PC and console has gotten smaller over the past 20 years. I can remember when a good PC started at $2000, while a SNES was $200... I own a Wii, 360 and PS3. The 360 is the favorite for gaming.

The Wii is used for exercising (WiiFit) and the PS3 is our blu-ray player and is barely used for gaming at all. Even though it costs money, the 360's online service is far superior to the ones from Sony and Nintendo. You would think that these companies would have studied their competition more carefully but even the WiiU's online system is kludgey to use and not user friendly in the least.

Both Microsoft and Sony will be announcing new consoles within the next few weeks. Sony has already confirmed they will be releasing their PS4 late this year. There's been no word from Microsoft about their new console or its release date but I can only assume they'll do everything they can to be as competitive as possible.

None of the consoles are perfect. The quality of early models of the 360 had gamers mailing their consoles in for repair...multiple times. Sony's initial pricing of the PS3 drove off many gamers, and in the meantime, Sony was only able to bring the price down by ripping out functions, like PS2 compatibility.

Nintendo's Wii was the big surprise this generation but after the initial newness wore off, people were faced with the same old problem Nintendo has had for years - poor 3rd party developer support. Almost all the good games for the Wii are from Nintendo itself, and even those, are just endless sequels of previous games. Sure, we all have those franchises where all we want is "more of the same", but as Nintendo found out, that's not going to be enough to keep you selling consoles.

Even the WiiU is off to a very slow start. Lack of compelling Wii-U titles combined with people not wanting to buy yet another box that's just going to collect dust does not make for a good outlook. Even though the WiiU is trying to get more 3rd party games, most of them are ports from the PS3 and 360.

For instance, who's going to buy a WiiU to play Arkham City or Mass Effect 3? These games have been out over a year now for PC, PS3 and 360. I think Nintendo is in trouble with the WiiU.

"It's the Wii - now in HD!" is just not going to be enough for gamers.

My favorite is SEGA. =P But out of these 3, I'd say PC. I'm not too good with game pads or joysticks, the good ole keyboard and mouse is all I need.


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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