My office shares a restroom with the entire floor of the building, so it is really a public bathroom. I went in there today and this woman was in a stall doing her business and talking on her cell at the same time. The conversation sounded more business than personal, so it wasn't her mom or anything.
AND she was dropping the kids off at the pool! Is this normal now? I mean, I know cell phones are being used everywhere now, but is there no privacy anywhere?
Asked by MrsOrangeNikki 43 months ago Similar questions: Public bathrooms talk cell phone public restroom Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.
Similar questions: Public bathrooms talk cell phone public restroom.
Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.
Mens' rooms As a male, I can say that it is VERY VERY rare to have ongoing conversations on a cellphone in the mens' room. Even at airports, which see a lot of hit and run mens' room use, usually the guy finishes the call before entering to do his business, and so on. In all the years I have been traveling, I can think of perhaps two times when a conversation continued after percy was pointing to the porcelain.
Even less often is the use of phone while seated at the throne. Maybe it's control, maybe its intestines, but men just don't talk on the phone while seated. I can remember once - a few weeks ago, when the guy in the stall next to me - his phone rang whilst he was seated.
He muttered something "great timing" but he didn't answer it. One very strange thing that you didn't ask - I once hear a person typing while seated at the throne - he apparently was planning to stay a while because he had taken out his laptop and was typing something while taking care of his ablutions. Very weird!.
Gross! You just made me snort with your "dropping the kids off at the pool" comment! I can't imagine any business call that could not have waited until the kids were in place and she was back at her desk.No, I don't talk on my cell phone from a public bathroom.
First of all, the background sounds are pretty unmistakable. Second, the word "public" speaks for itself I try not to talk on my cell phone when in any public place where my conversation can be open to all. I think it's rude to all concerned.
I wish more people felt that way about it. I was in a nice department store yesterday when I heard a woman talking on her cell phone explaining to her ex-boyfriend that she had broken up with him because the "situation", whatever it was, was so traumatic to her that she couldn't bear to talk about it any more. She went on with the conversation for about ten minutes.
At that point I couldn't take it any more and left the area. Maybe she should've taken her conversation to the ladies room! Sources: personal opinion pattiann's Recommendations Business Etiquette For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) Amazon List Price: $21.99 Used from: $12.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) Nuts, Bolts, and Jolts: Fundamental Business and Life Lessons You Must Know Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $6.95 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) The Jerk with the Cell Phone: A Survival Guide for the Rest of Us Amazon List Price: $9.95 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) .
Yeah, I think it's pretty much accepted, but it's still nasty. I would never do it, it's not much better than sitting there and having a conversation with yourself while playing kerplunk.... I had a friend who would do that to me on the phone, and he would ALWAYS deny that he was doing his business (he even told me he was sitting on a staircase once), but the telltale *FLUSH* at the end always gave away his true location (pretty nifty stairway...). ANYONE who encounters another person in a restroom on a cell phone should play this:" rel="nofollow"> (for a good laugh, check this site out: There is no common courtesy anymore, and cell phone use is so pervasive.
I don't like it, but I think were going to be stuck listening to people chatting and bombing for good. Video I think this game has something to do with this topic....
Ummmm no. Yeah, to me that’s a bit strange. Maybe if I had been waiting for a very important personal/business call and were in a restroom stall, I would try to hold off taking the browns to the superbowl for a couple minutes, and I would reluctantly answer.
But taking a business call while dropping the kids off at the pool seems a bit contradictory to me. Clearly this woman thought the call was very important so that she should answer, but was it worth possibly offending her boss with the sound of her kids doing a belly smack in the pool...
Pop Pop Fizz Fizz, Oh What a Relief It Is... In these days, where everyone wants immediate gratification - the pressure is there to answer calls immediately. However, I would NOT answer the call while I'm doing my business in a public bathroom (or in my own private bathroom). It's rude, disgusting, and ...pretty obvious when you FLUSH!
Video .
Cell phones" "Guys, list some of your public restroom etiquette pet peeves. " "Will "Mobile Speak" software for cell phones work with a Jitterbug cell phone? " "I'm trying to get a new cell phone plan.
Any recommendations on phones and carriers" "can an unlocked cell phone be used on straight talk plan" "do you talk on the cell phone while driving? " "Cell phone etiquette question: Is it rude to talk on the phone for 20 minutes while on public transportation? " "Do you need certain cell phones to use the push-to-talk feature, or does it work on all phones?" "Should I get an unlocked cell phone instead of the usual locked phones and plans?
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Guys, list some of your public restroom etiquette pet peeves.
I'm trying to get a new cell phone plan. Any recommendations on phones and carriers.
Can an unlocked cell phone be used on straight talk plan.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.