Public sector pensions vs Private sector pensions?

Firstly the bankers. No relatively speaking no-one's paying for the bankers. Yes bankers are paid to much.

Yes they're immoral. But the amount the public has bailed out the banks is small compared the debt the nation has run up. So we can't blame the bankers and trust me I don't like them either.

Is business responsible for public debt. Hardly that's like blaming Mother Teressa for increasing medical costs... absurd. On the other hand business could have and should have been better at manufacturing things in the UK.

That would have produced jobs and public revenue. Unfortunately there is a culture of business looking after it's self or at least it's shareholders and that means moving manufacturing to the cheapest place in the world. To my mind people like Dyson are traitors for taking their manufacturing to China.

However, it's not business per se that's at fault... it's capitalism. So are the politicians at fault? The answer is to my mind yes and no.

Yes because they are the ones who have allowed our manufacturing to dwindle and our public expenditure to grow. No because it's quite simple they only get voted in if they promise less tax and more spending. That's the simple truth.

So if you really want the biggest culprit in all this mess look in the mirror.... it's society... or more precisely the voter who has allowed politicians to get us into this mess because it suited us and felt good!

Hi Confused Hal The equation that applies is that we are all living longer so the current system is unsustainable. I speak as a retired Public Sector worker and know and accept that there do have to be changes so the system is fair to all. What they always miss out in the debate is the high salary levels of the Trade Union leaders.

Arthur Scargill still draws over £100,000 a year in pension despite the ruined ex-mining communities he helped to destroy. The confrontation on 30th November means that all strikers will lose a day's pay. The Trade Union leaders won't lose a penny.

There will be massive disruption for the general public and I predict there will be a backlash from wider society as we are all tightening our belts. Best wishes.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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