The first pet my parents let me name was beauty. She was born in our household and my parents said the puppies had to be at least a month old before we started naming. I was around 4 at this time and she had really long flowing fur so I would hear my mom talk about how beautiful she was so when it got down to naming me and my brother got to pick one to name and I named her beauty.My parents both thought it was silly and tried to change my mind telling me all kinds of Disney characters to name her after, but she was Beauty to me.
My mom made the connection to Beauty and the Beast and said thats why I named her that. Well thats what she told people, but thats not how she got her name.
I named my first pet after an astronomer I was learning about in school at the time named Nicholas Copernicus.
I have a doggy named Patron and yes just like the drink Patron lol. When we got him, I was a bit wuzzy from patron and I was superb with energy haha. He was just the same as me and my bf said what name what name!
I read the name on the bottle and the doggy came to me, so his name sort of stuck to him lol :) How many people can say their dogs picked their own names.
My first and most beloved cat was named Panda Cat, she was cream colored,like siamease cats and had a chocolate patch on her right eye, she had beautiful sea-blue eyes and a gorgeous pink nose. She was named Panda because of the chocolate patch. Panda was born at my house on the dog's bed, she was the second to be born.
She lived 21 years with seven months. I am grateful that she shared her whole live with me, I saw her born and I kept her company until her last breath. I had her cremated and she stills with me.
She was more than a pet for me , she was a very good friend.
My fist pet was a lovely cat Me and my wife named her socks Then we had a jack Russel . We named him rusty My cat used to jump in the hall when we had her she was a jumper she jumped so much in the same spot in the hall it left a mark from her paws . My dog rusty he always thought he was King Kong .
When I moved I had to let them go I love them and miss them .
My first pet was a hamster named Abu (like the monkey from Aladdin). I was in Kindergarten when my parents got him for my sister and me. He was the cutest thing ever.
He looked like a toasted marshmallow with legs. He got the name because of a little tiny fez that was for a doll that my grandmother made. The fez had little velcro-like pieces on it and my sister stuck it on the top of his head and he was running around like crazy with this little hat on his head.
I was 4 and my sister was 12 (I started school early 'cause I was a smarty pants). It was amusing and so cute at the same time. Abu wasn't a banana eater though.
He much preferred peanuts with the shell.
The first pet I named myself was a German Shepherd
Fritz was with us for about 2 years when he showed his teeth, growled, snapped and bit my younger brother who at the time was 7 years old. I don't think I have ever since seen my mother move so fast. Within hours Fritz was gone, shipped away to "police dog school" in Maine.
Even as an adult I asked my mother if thats what really happened to Fritz, she has always maintained that what she said was true, Fritz went to the doggie Police Academy. Maybe like this one, Work Dog Trainers
The first pet I had when I got out on my own was a Cocker Spaniel that I named "Twice". He never came when I called him once.
I named her Yazmine. She was border collie/chow chow mix. She was the most hyper puppy I knew.
I got her name off the internet. Since my name is Yesenia I decided to name her a name with the first letter being a 'Y'. I searched names online with the letter 'Y'.
And I found the name Yazmine. Unfortunately my grandmother suggested to my mother to put her in adoption since she was soooo hyper. My mother listened to her and she was in adoption a acouple of days later.
I never got to say 'good bye' to my puppy since I was at school when my mother put her in adoption.
My first and only pet was Kamalich. I named my dog after the person who gave me the dog.
I named my first pet toto, because he was the exact replica of the silky terrier on the wizard of oz. I had the dog when I was about 6 or 7 years old which was about 32 years ago.
Hamster named Gandalf. I got him from a co-worker, who had named him Flaw, supposedly because of the single spot of gray on an otherwise white coat. I didn't like the name very much, so wanted to change it.
One day, when he was eating some seeds, I thought that he looked like the wizened wizard from The Lord of the Rings. Much more noble (and kinder) than Flaw, I believe.
M thinking of evening meetings, of young first and second year graduate students, rather than undergraduates. Those were the late afternoon meetings that I was speaking of, though they alternated between Cavendish Physical Society once a fortnight which was a little more formal -- the speakers were from outside usually -- and the departmental research colloquim, which took the alternate weeks, in which the speakers were almost entirely within the department. Rutherford took the chair.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.