Religion. Christians and Non--this started on a discussion...about the Trinity--please weigh in--it's possible sayeth me?

Religion. Christians and Non--this started on a discussion...about the Trinity--please weigh in--it's possible sayeth me I don't need verse and chapter of why you believe in the trinity. I know those...I'm just saying--why isn't this a possibility for Christians?

Trinity--it is the most difficult to understand. And indeed, explain--churches have turned themselves into pretzels trying to explain it--3 in 1. Like an egg--God is the shell, HS is the white goo-stuff, and JC is the yoke.

Well, also in John he quotes JC as saying He's been with the Father always, from beginning to end--alpha omaga thingy....In the discussion of “DO CHRISTIANS CHOOSE ONE OF THE TRINITY TO WORSHIP OR TO IDENTIFY WITH? After I gave the above triplet theory-- StLuke, said, “Using your theory of DNA. Doesn't the DNA that any son have come from their father?

The DNA of any son already existed within their father and was just passed on to the next generation? This would mean that the DNA of Jesus was with the Father before being born in the flesh and becoming the Son. ”I answered, “But saying that JC was talking about his fat Asked by SeekerSeeking 46 months ago Similar questions: Religion Christians Non this started discussion Trinity please weigh in it's sayeth Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: Religion Christians Non this started discussion Trinity please weigh in it's sayeth.

I'm taking a chance here, answering this. Nonetheless, it appears to be a straightforward question, so I'll give you the straightforward answer and some detail. I expect to get flamed by the one group--but I hope my own Christian group doesn't do anything more than raise an eyebrow.

First of all, the Trinity: The three who are one and so on. Sometimes we Christians make it real hard to understand...a lot of times we're not even sure ourselves. The reason why is most of us live on faith the Bible is correct and a lot of them don't question it.

Others, us practicing Christians, do a little digging and in my case come up with 'deeper' information and details. There are three divine beings up there in control. One.

The CREATOR: This is the Alpha, the Omega guy. This is the one who created all. This is the one who basically said '...I AM THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE GOD...' (not someone to mess around with!) Two.

Heavenly Father: More is known about ..yet, those of us who know m don't usually give details concerning You can read about m in (watch the spelling here) He zeek key ual. You know, the wheels within wheels guy. This is the Old Testiment Prophet who say Heavenly Fathers first contact with humanity.

S description of Heavenly Father is accurate--for back in that time. Heavenly Father basically announced to He-zeek-key-ual that '...this world, and all within...' were turned over to m to run and operate--by order of the CREATOR. He is also the 'appointed' Father of JESUS by order of the CREATOR.

Three. JESUS: Well, we all know who HE is. HE is also the prototype for the entire species of Homo Sapien.

HE was the first human made. HE is the appointed son to Heavenly Father. HE is the one with the keys to hell and Heaven.

So, why do we refer to these three as the Trinity. Solidarity--pure and simple. If you ask one of them one thing...and you don't like the answer...asking one of the other two ISN'T gonna get you a different answer.

I know, I know--everybody says they are all one 'being'. No...they are of one 'mind', one outlook--at least in Christian matters. About that DNA theory.

JESUS and Heavenly Father came into existance at the same time--physically, they are not related. And since JESUS is human, and Heavenly Father is not...they are not of the same species. Remember, Heavenly Father was 'appointed' to being JESUS's Father by the CREATOR.

Trust me, JESUS has no fat anywhere on HIS physical body...HE was borderline starvation HIS entire existance down here--it was one of those requirments HE had to go through. (facing all temptations common to man--sort of thing.) I know you were just cracking a joke, you ought to hear me talking about my friend JESUS...but referring to HIM as ' friend, the Jeruslam Slim...'. All in all, SeekerSeeking, THEY are the THREE WHO ARE ONE--at least in matters of the Christian Religion.

BYE! Sources: I asked the CREATOR .

The Trinity can be understood "simply" by this Your earthly dad is one man-yet he is also a son,brother,uncle Your father is 3-in-one. S interactions as these 3 will be different with each of the relationships. The Holy Trinity is GOD the Father; GOD the Son; GOD the Holy Spirit.

God the Father is the creator of all of the universe and sent s Son to earth in the flesh so they He could walk among us. God the Son walked on this earth teaching of the Father, healing the sick, ministering to poor and downtrodden and performing miracles. The greatest being dying on a cruel cross for our sins, rising from the dead, walking on the earth again and ascending back to the Father.

God the Holy Spirit was left here in Jesus' place to love us, guide us, convict us of our sins, lead us to confession of these sins, and to lead us in our forgiven and redeemed lives. In respect to the part of the question which asked about DNA - God is Not flesh - God is Spirit - God has no DNA. God made man, Adam.

He made Adam flesh, bones, and blood, etc. And Eve from the bone of Adam. Adam and Eve had DNA - this is our DNA for we ALL have come from Adam and Eve. Sources: The Holy Bible .

Absolutely not Since G-d is infinite he can not become finote and divide into three, He can not become imperfect like humans. He is perfect. Although we say He, He is neither He nor She.

We can not undersatnd what he is only what he is not.

I think of the Trinity as the way my experience of The One God, being filtered through my limited human understanding, is apprehended by me -- but, because my human intellect is limited, I don’t kid myself that my self-accepted explanation is the whole answer, or even in any way correct. It’s just the way I reconcile myself to the mystery -- otherwise it would torment me all the time. The LDS have their own mystery about the three distinct, separate, individual beings, two physical and one spoiritual, that together make up the Godhead.

I don’t accept their mystery, so to me they are polytheists, just as Muslims don’t accept the mystery of the Trinity and so to them I am a polytheist. I will post my gloss on the Nicene Creed in the DiscBrd, because that Creed is the essence of the Christian view of the Trinity.

The Godhead vs The Trinity The Godhead (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost) are One God even though they are three distinct Divine Beings. The following is a post I wrote elsewhere on askville that may help to explain how this is understood:Imagine a town with only three members on the police force. A caption, his son, and his nephew.

All three are the “police” for that town, working together in a common cause to protect, serve, and enforce the laws of that town. The father as captain stays mostly at the station and directs what takes place. He has trained his son so well that they literally think a like, act alike, and never disagree on anything.

The son works in the field, checking in on people, speaking at the local schools against drug abuse, crime etc. On behalf of the police force. The nephew is the communication expert manning the radio for all in and out going calls with the public. He then passes on information to the other two members of the police force.

All three members of the police force are in constant communication with one another through headset radios which they never take off. Now consider the following:The son one day writes a ticket to some one who has broken the law. They dispute the charge and feel the son is in error and therefor asks to speak with the caption.

The son having been trained by his father and knowing his answer even before asking could say, “My father and I are one”. He could even go as far to use his head set radio to verify with his father the dispute and then say, I am speaking for the captain and what I say he would say.As the “police” we are all three united on every issue and are perfectly in agreement on all laws. On another day the police receives a call that someone’s life in in danger and ask for the “police” to save them.

The nephew receives the call and the captain dispatches his son to help. The son arrives, finds a man with a gun, and jumps in front of the victim saving their life by taking the bullet for them and dying in the process. The victim could then say that they are grateful for the police and that they saved their life.

But which one actually saved them? The son may have been the one who jumped in front of the bullet, but his father is the one who sent him there and trained him to react the way he did. What if the nephew had not taken the phone call and then passed it on to the father?

Again, the son would not have been sent out to save the victim. All three members of the police force were involved in saving the victims life and worked together as one police force each fulfilling their different duties as “one” police force. In like manner, there is only one true God.

The one spoken of in the Old and New Testament.In this same way, The word “God” represents any one, two or all three members of the Godhead. Only these three are God. Only they have the authority and power to be God, thus there is only one God, three divine individuals with a common cause to save our souls.

Using the same analogy the trinity would be as follows: The Trinity would be like a one man police force who answers the phone as one policeman, asks the person to hold, then moves to the other room, puts on a captains hat and then answers as the captain. Agrees to send his son to save the persons life, then dresses as the son, claims he is the son after arriving and then states that his father sent him. After completing the job, then claims he will now return back to his father at the station.

Upon his return, again changes his uniform and waits for the phone to again ring before starting it all over again. How confusion is that?1 CORINTHIANS 14:33“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. ” Sources: The Holy Bible .

" ""Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments?" (10 answers) "Spiritually speaking, there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity in the Religion & Spirituality section, does there? " "Is it possible to have a hearty discussion about politics, religion, or ANY subject .

.. " "Is religion for everyone? " "Is this by Walt Whitman? Note the bearing on the current threads re 'organized religion' as contrasted w/ spirituality.

" "Don't "Christians" have it all wrong as to what is the true religion? " "religion" "Why isn't Religion & Spirituality listed under Main categories? I didn't realize the category existed.

Christians, explain, to the best of your ability, the difference between "religion.

Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers).

Is it possible to have a hearty discussion about politics, religion, or ANY subject .

Note the bearing on the current threads re 'organized religion' as contrasted w/ spirituality.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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