Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it." comments?

Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? I saw this on a bumper sticker once and found it interesting...I suppose this represents what some have observed after going through a very difficult time, not finding people in the church that could empathize or understand without feeling judgement from them in some way.

And the pain associated with their disillusionment of what they thought God's people should be like. As unfortunate as that may be, it shouldn't be the case... Asked by Raych... 6 months ago Similar questions: Religion people scared hell spirituality comments Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: Religion people scared hell spirituality comments.

Life is 'hell' for most on this planet. Most believe in something, it helps relieve anxiety. It offers purpose and calms.It really depends on your exposure to religion when young by significant others.

Men have looked to the heavens for help and guidance since their hunter gatherer times. Sacrifice is central to nearly all religions. Jexebellion 6 months ago.

Very true. Thanks for that perspective. Raych... 6 months ago .

It 'sounds' kind of 'personal-opinionish' to it's author wrote it for all-and-only of those, like himself, who do not 'care for' religion...well, organised religion at it dose nought but hold people 'frozen in life', in fear of what will, or may, 'come to be' Aimlessly-Lost and Forever-Fearful Souls. While on the other hand, being "Spiritual" opens ones eyes to ALL that has, is and will, may, 'come to be'...allowing for them to truely experiece life as they 'walk through it', and better 'prepare' for what is to, may, 'come'...they are experiencing, and learning of, Hell in the 'Here and Now'.(as Chow eluded to)As far as my saying it 'sounds' - 'personal-opinionish' - well, this IS what they are 'all about'...IS why they are spread 'theword', the thoughts, of a group (or at least of people - right? LOLI've never seen this particular one, and where I live, a 'touristie-area', we see cars from All Over the country...

Well...I sure hope you like 'yours' Well Done, DPD because No way in Hell's Creation is God geing to let a...animal hater and tormentor and nasty and mean-mouthed man who stands in judgment of ALL who do not think, act, walk and talk just as he does...into a place that is made-up of all (and who) that is good - ie. Heaven! Does thee skippeth past these words of God in the Bible, DPD?

Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! James 5:9There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy.

But you--who are you to judge your neighbor? James 4:12Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it.

When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. James. 4:11Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes.

He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God. 1 Corinthians 4:5 .

Hell on earth is usually self created but not always. War, famine, disease, and Nature can provide you with all the Hell you'll ever need! .

It can apply to some but not all. I'm thinking of the young 'chelas' who are devoted to their 'guru' and really haven't been through the fires of adult life or ambitions or unrequited love, etc. They have entered onto their spiritual journey minus the ego and its demands. Just my thoughts.

There ought to be a bumper sticker for:"Dreams run deeper than despair. " - R.W.Emerson .

Thanks and I'd never read that R.W. Emerson quote before. I like it.Raych... 6 months ago .

It's an interesting commentary on the difference between the two concepts. There is a related comment about a person who goes through the motions of religion, but does not actually live out the aspects of the lifestyle: "he's just buying fire insurance" .

It is New age...Spirituality is not the same as Christianity...can mean open to opposite of God by mistake. New age believe there is no hell or hell/heaven is only on earth and some believe all go to heaven.

My bumper sticker says: Life is the school, love is the lesson.

I like that bumper sticker much better! Good one- thanks for sharing Raych... 6 months ago .

Very interesting and truer than one would imagine, in my opinion. Organized religion teaches that god and man are separate. This eventually leads to disillusionment as the truth is that god is in man.

When a person does not awaken to that fact, they will at some point in time, in some life, go through a series of very difficult learning experiences, as the nature of the creation is such that it expands to embrace its potential and will not support self delusion forever. They must become disenchanted with religion and face their fears of heaven and hell that religion teaches. The person then moves into anger towards god as they feel betrayed.

Religion no longer feeds the hunger in their soul. Confusion ensue and anger. After anger there can be a complete denial of god for one or more lifetimes.It is after a very long, difficult journey that the courageous soul begins to sincerely seek the truth of his being and must deny all other teachings to find it within.

The paths he takes are many and varied to find the divine essence and reintegrate with it. The spiritual path is one that leads to the realization that the divine presence is immersed into all that it creates.My opinion, my perception. That is why I find the statement interesting, and truer than one would imagine.

Neither the original remark, which asked for comments, nor the response give any light on the truth. Everyone has opinions and they very frequently conflict in some way and the people who want straight answers are left still wondering. Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the URL1 man comes to the Father but by me.

" That's quite a statement. It allows only two options: He's either a liar (in which case he certainly can't be trusted as "the way" or as anything else one would want), or he's telling the truth. When I became convinced by the evidence I saw, that the gospel is true and Jesus is the way, Jesus showed me burial and resurrection and said to me, "I did it for you, because I love you and want you.

"I was awed, firstly because no one had ever loved me that much. People love us but who loves us so much that they will endure what Jesus endured so that we might live? My next thought was, "If He loves me that much, I can trust That was almost 40 years ago and though many things have happened that I wished had never happened, I've never thought He was anything other than trustworthy.

Many people turn from God because "He let me down," but they lie. In their negligence to learn s ways and hear they made assumptions and expected God to stand by and treat their assumptions as though they had the same authority as the Word of God but that was presumptuous of them. God honors and keeps Those who lost faith in lost it because they were careless and negligent in abiding in and believing There are no exceptions, at all, ever, period.

Anyone who says otherwise is a liar and accusing God of being a liar. Anyone who knows the Word of God knows this; the ignorant guess or believe lies. He is faithful and He cannot lie.

Feed on You'll find that s Word is more concrete than concrete and Your assumptions and your opinions will fail but s Word will never fail and He'll never fail you if your faith is genuine and based on The question of spirituality vs. religion is superfluous and useless.

It's wise to try to understand why someone might have that point of view. To try to see things through someone else's eyes is one step in loving someone else. I'm not saying the bumper sticker trumps any truth whatsoever.

But somewhere along the line, someone had an experience that led them to that conclusion. It's better to try to get to the root of what's actually behind that statement than to assume things about that person. Doesn't change the fact that truth is truth whether it's believed or not.Raych... 2 months ago .

We can spend a lifetime understanding and seeing through others' eyes, yet if they aren't told the truth but instead, we stand by "in wisdom" while we watch people perish, we lie if we call that love and there is no wisdom in watching people die in darkness. We all are different, yet we all are the same. We all know failure and disappointment but we don't all know God.It is the responsibility of those of us who do know that they might have life through believing in Anything less is simply standing idly by and watching them perish.

That isn't love.

The truth is that many people say "Jesus is the Way," but most of those who say that don't really have any significant experience from which they can authoritatively address or discuss just how Jesus is the Way, or the Truth, or the Life. To most people, that's just a cliche, even those who tell you "it's the truth. " Because so many "Christians" don't have any tangible, working realities of experiencing the work of God in changing and delivering them, they talk about wisdom and love instead of testifying of It is the testimony of Jesus, that being believed, results in changed lives, not philosophical debate or discussion.

I've seen too many mockers and scoffers who've heard of Jesus for years, who have nothing but contempt for m and Christians because they've only seen useless and meaningless religious nonsense. That's all most "Christianity" is. That's why, when I happen upon a situation where something seems faintly like Christianese or it's approaching truth or near to spiritual reality, or there is just an opportunity to point to I take the time to "cut to the chase" that Jesus is life and that is what really matters.

If someone is inspired by God to question or pursue the issue, they have the opportunity to do so. Like I said, most "Christian" talk is just so much worthless chatter, that if no one cares to pursue the life of God, then I just let it lie. I'm here to give food and drink to those hungry and thirsty for reality, not bend someone's ear to convince them of my brand of wisdom or love or doctrine.It's God's job to create the hunger in people's hearts; I'm here to give those people answers.

If no one says, "Tell me more," I have no reason to say, "let's sing 'Just as I Am'" another 14 times or beat people over the head with something they don't want to hear. I saw that this thread was over four months old yet not one statement from anyone pointed out that there is life in Jesus and that He can love, help and nurture the wounded soul.In fact, He is Ell Shaddai -- the big breasted One -- the God who is more than enough. He can meet every need.

I wanted to point that out where it had not been. I don't like to dance around the truth, because sometimes there's only one chance to reach people, and I want them to know that I have something good and they can have "Religion is for people who are scared of hell..." sounds like a quote from the devil. It's deceit.

It gives no light, no revelation, no understanding and no truth. That's why I said it and the responses were superfluous. Nothing gave anyone an inkling that the Son of God became a man and died the death that God had rightfully determined was the just penalty for our sins.

NO ONE. I thought it was too much fluff without any substance. I don't think it's a lack of wisdom or love to tell people the truth whereby they might be saved.

There are a thousand different issues, thoughts and considerations any person might have and years can be wasted evaluating and considering what amounts to diversion and deception. People need to hear the truth in order to make a decision whether they want to deal with it.

Uh, ok. More simply put, religion can be viewed as more of a legalistic and dogmatic way of relating to God. Where a relationship with God is more important.

Ultimately, God gets to decide who is saved. Not you or me. Just think of the thief on the cross who was hung beside Jesus.It's too bad that more times than not, religion stirs up arguments and a debate (this question and the answers that follow are case and point).

Sometimes a simple reply is worth much more than a wordy explanation. Most people look for actions instead of a bunch of quotes and an "I'm saved and your not so you have to do this or that" type of approach. Without love, all I hear are clanging cymbals.

Raych... 1 month ago .

I think I understand. You're saying it's love that compels you to not say, "Thanks for sharing a clear presentation of who Jesus is, which wasn't on here before. "uh, ok.

Maybe I missed it and what you were really saying is that your loving, simple replies that never told anyone about the love of God and what Jesus did for them is much better than my legalistic and dogmatic way to telling them that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. You communicated a relationship with God? When and where?

I never read it -- and I looked before I spoke. You never mentioned a relationship with God until you used it to misrepresent my presentation of Jesus as "religion. " How do you see that as honest... or love?

Everyone is different and people have their own ways of doing things, but for you to say nothing at all about a relationship with God until you do so as a dishonest insult to me isn't love by anyone's definition. Except maybe yours. I gave a clear testimony of how Jesus revealed mself to me and you insult me by suggesting that I'm recommending "religion" over a relationship with God?

You're really able to tell yourself that you're being honest and that you're not just an emotional woman who reacts with bitter words because your pride is wounded? It seems to me that your pride has skewed your concepts of truth into a lie. Apparently, you think I've intruded on your domain.

Or do you think I slapped you for your failure to even yet give a clear presentation of the gospel? Either way, you seem to want strife with me, by insulting me with disingenuous suggestions that it is I who is not walking in love and all I have of which to speak is "religion. "If you have a relationship with God, then why didn't you rejoice when I told others how they could... instead of dishonestly representing my words as "religion" rather than "relationship"?

I just happened by here and found what I thought to be religious nonsense because it said NOTHING about how to come out of darkness into light. "How will they know without a preacher? "Do you REALLY think your remark that opens this page, or ANYTHING ELSE that you've said TO ANYONE OTHER THAN ME, IN ANY WAY is a clear communication of the life of God and how to have a relationship with ... and you say that I'm promoting "religion" because I exalt Jesus, which YOU NEVER DID, but you give me flowery words of "relationship" and "love" and this lie: "I'm saved and your not so you have to do this or that," which I never said nor even implied, and furthermore, my testimony communicated sufficient truth for people to gain a relationship with I said the words at the top of the page "give no light on the truth."

It was true when I said it and it's still true. Your bitter, hateful, emotional complaints against me are either your guilty conscience smiting you for not giving a clear presentation of the gospel or your pride that was wounded by my description of your words as "superfluous and useless. " They were entirely insufficient.

You've witnessed to no one on this page but me. I guess that's because you think I'm "religious" and everyone else on this page has a relationship with God. You know, Paul recorded in God's Word that women shouldn't teach or exercise authority of men.

Your outburst is a perfect example of why. Women's moral compass goes haywire when they get emotional, as you have demonstrated and they say foolish and dishonest things as you have done. The very next time you see anyone complain to a woman about her son, watch her reaction and you'll see the very same thing I've just addressed all over again.

You can have your barren territory back. If you don't respond to me, I'll just forget your little queendom ever existed and you can run the show anyway you please. After all, I DID tell people about a real relationship with Jesus and not religion.Adios..

I'm talking about a bumper sticker. And the distinction between what is viewed as religion and what is viewed as spirituality. It is not my bumper sticker.Raych... 1 month ago .

I've heard that before. Religion and spirituality should not be either or. They should go together.

There are many different churches in the world. I'm sue that some may fit your description. It doesn't fit the ones I go to.

My comment is that this is yet one more rephrasing of reality to enable one to keep one's preferred beliefs. Meanwhile, we humans woefully overuse the word "hell" when most of us have no idea what's involved. So let's get an idea of what's involved: "And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame" (Luke 16:24).

We see from this that hell is where this person is parked. It's not a location anyone, ever, goes "through. " Very accurately, Dante had written above the door to hell's entrance, "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."

There is no exit, and saying something such as "who have been thru hell" is merely trying desperately to make out that God's justice won't happen to you. A loving God wouldn't be that cruel, right? God is both infinite love (to those who accept it) and infinite justice (to those who insist on it.) Every person in hell is there because she or he would NOT be in heaven with the Creator because he or she hates the Creator.

I find the bumper sticker annoying because of the lie it spreads. There really are only two locations in the universe: with the Creator, or tucked in a corner with "the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41) and out of the way of all that is good.

" "why do you need religion?" (14 answers) "Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality. '" "Do you try to encourage being religious,or your religion on others?

NOT trying to offend but it seems people go way=" (13 answers) "Why are you what ever religion you are? " "Why do some people bring religion into everything? " (15 answers).

I've seen comments about religion enter into discussions about charity, the holidays, the war, etc.

Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality.

NOT trying to offend but it seems people go way=" (13 answers).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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