Rocketeer Question--Easter Chocolate Bunny Question---Here it Comes! On average--how many bunnys, rabbits and hares lose their lives each year to become Chocolate Covered? I mean for such a beautiful spring like Holiday---don't you agree--that all rabbits dying just to be chocolate covered is a terrible thing!
I mean I don't even eat Rabbit---no matter what the time of the year---and I simply don't understand this custom of giving rabbits to kids to eat---YUCK! Rabbits are such beautiful creatures----I say we ban the chocolate companies--why cant they use goldfish or even squirrels--if they must use a real animal to cover with chocolate...What do you think! I mean rabbits have gone through so much over the years---they were once used to see if a woman was pregnant---yea yea--old joke--the good news "The Rabbit Died"-but enough is enough----I say---"Save the Rabbit" Asked by TheRocketeerâ„¢ 25 months ago Similar Questions: Rocketeer Question Easter Chocolate Bunny Question Here Recent Questions About: Rocketeer Question Easter Chocolate Bunny Question Here Amazon > Askville.
Similar Questions: Rocketeer Question Easter Chocolate Bunny Question Here Recent Questions About: Rocketeer Question Easter Chocolate Bunny Question Here.
I second it...... No these are not COFFEE Beans (wish they were), it's cookie bits! .
1 NOT TO WORRY , they give them a snorkel and then dip them in the brown goo. Then there is a pre-scored breaking point in the special vest they wear, the whole thing comes off like a wet suit with the fuzzy whittle bunny unharmed, hosenfefer incorporated! .
NOT TO WORRY , they give them a snorkel and then dip them in the brown goo. Then there is a pre-scored breaking point in the special vest they wear, the whole thing comes off like a wet suit with the fuzzy whittle bunny unharmed, hosenfefer incorporated!
2 yea sure---i don't believe it! Those bunnys suffocate after being buried in hot fluid molton chocolate---I can hears those little hares screaming all the way to the boxing department .
Yea sure---i don't believe it! Those bunnys suffocate after being buried in hot fluid molton chocolate---I can hears those little hares screaming all the way to the boxing department.
3 "... why can't they use goldfish..."Because they have already made crackers out of them, silly! .
... why can't they use goldfish..."Because they have already made crackers out of them, silly!
4 You are sadly misinformed. The mass production version uses only animated wabbits:
You are sadly misinformed. The mass production version uses only animated wabbits:
" "Rocketeer Question-Thank you Betty White! Nice chatting with you! I will never tell anyone your Askville name, however!
" "Rocketeer Question--Is there a Dress Code here in Askville? " "Rocketeer Question - A Very Public Thank You to everyone at Askville!
For me--I get to be creative,converse with nice folks from all over.
Rocketeer Question---Should Askville BAN - silly, nonconforming questions and only allow those that are either serious.
Rocketeer Question-Thank you Betty White! Nice chatting with you! I will never tell anyone your Askville name, however!
Rocketeer Question - A Very Public Thank You to everyone at Askville!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.