Rocketeer Questions-I see there are new Rules here in Askville-so I ask? Can I, The Rocketeer, ask my R. Questions?

Can I, The Rocketeer, ask my R. Questions? Asked by TheRocketeer™ 29 months ago Similar Questions: Rocketeer Questions I Rules Askville so Questions Recent Questions About: Rocketeer Questions I Rules Askville so Questions Amazon > Askville.

Similar Questions: Rocketeer Questions I Rules Askville so Questions Recent Questions About: Rocketeer Questions I Rules Askville so Questions.

No, of course not. It says right here in the rulebook, #5, section Z, under "Space Vehicles" Oh, wait, that's upside down, uh, um, never mind. Yes, go ahead and ask away.

From my interpretation, yes of course you can. The Good Neighbor policy says: Askville is a community that follows the question and answer format. Discussions are used to further everyone’s knowledge about the question in order to produce the best possible answer.

Askville is not a chat room. If a post isn’t a question, an answer or a discussion that relates to the question then it doesn’t belong on Askville. It doesn't say anything at all about the nature of the questions (so far, anyway...) So, I say, ask away and we'll answer and discuss the question.

Just like they say. We'd miss you horribly if you stopped.

1 Yes, but apparently, we now have to actually ANSWER them! Oh the humanity...

Yes, but apparently, we now have to actually ANSWER them! Oh the humanity...

2 hey---thats my Line---"oh the humanity"! Nah--you don't have to answer my questions- no one does - so why change things? .

Hey---thats my Line---"oh the humanity"! Nah--you don't have to answer my questions- no one does - so why change things?

Isn't it against the rules for ppl answering questions and getting paid for them on Turk to ask askville and have the.

Rocketeer Question---Should Askville BAN - silly, nonconforming questions and only allow those that are either serious.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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