SDL_LoadBMP fails intermittently?

Even if you have plenty of free system RAM, could still run out of address space; you generally only get 2GB to work with in a 32-bit application. Although with an image that tiny, it ought to take way more than 1000 times to use up that much memory. Are you doing anything else memory-hungry in your loop?

Most importantly, is there a reason you want to re-load the image file 10,000 times? If you're looking for multiple copies of the image to manipulate, I'd recommend making copies of the original surface with SDL_ConvertSurface instead of going back to the file each time. If this method fails as well, it's possible that SDL_GetError will give you a more meaningful error message when it does If you are also writing data back to that file, make sure you're properly closing it, or you might be running into a permissions sort of issue.

I'm pretty sure that Windows won't allow you to open a file for reading that is already open for writing. (This seems less likely since you're only hitting the problem after a thousand iterations of your loop, but it's worth checking. ).

Even if you have plenty of free system RAM, could still run out of address space; you generally only get 2GB to work with in a 32-bit application. Although with an image that tiny, it ought to take way more than 1000 times to use up that much memory. Are you doing anything else memory-hungry in your loop?

Most importantly, is there a reason you want to re-load the image file 10,000 times? If you're looking for multiple copies of the image to manipulate, I'd recommend making copies of the original surface with SDL_ConvertSurface instead of going back to the file each time. If this method fails as well, it's possible that SDL_GetError will give you a more meaningful error message when it does.

If you are also writing data back to that file, make sure you're properly closing it, or you might be running into a permissions sort of issue. I'm pretty sure that Windows won't allow you to open a file for reading that is already open for writing. (This seems less likely since you're only hitting the problem after a thousand iterations of your loop, but it's worth checking.).

If this method fails as well, it's possible that SDL_GetError will give you a more meaningful error message when it does. If you are also writing data back to that file, make sure you're properly closing it, or you might be running into a permissions sort of issue. I'm pretty sure that Windows won't allow you to open a file for reading that is already open for writing.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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