This is a good question. I never really knew that companies were looking for social groups on a resume. Having said that, I would make sure the Facebook page is polished before adding it to the resume.In the info section on Facebook, make sure to include all the companies you worked for, your skills, interests, etc. Fill out anything and everything that will make you look interesting and appealing to a potential employer.
You said yours isn't polished, so work on that aspect first. I would add it to the end of the page along with your Twitter account name. As for adding each individual instant messenger names, I would just mention that I have Yahoo!
, MSN and AOL instant messenger. If a potential employer wants more information you provide that later. Since you said it looked crowded on the first page, put all that information at the end.
First appearance can mean a lot, even with a resume. Good luck!
I think adding your Facebook page to a resume depends on the job you are doing and you shouldn't add it unless they ask for it. I feel like it is kind of unprofessional to add social networking sites and profiles to your resume, unless the job you are applying for pertains to those things. If you are going for a Marketing, Public Relations, or any public facing position I think showing a nicely designed Facebook or Twitter page could help you get the job.As I said before, if the job does not necessarily need you to have or manage a Facebook or Twitter page then I don't think you should put it on your resume, unless they specifically ask for it.
As for where to put it, that again depends on the need. If they want to see it, put it on the first page. Maybe be creative and put it with your address, since it could in some cases be considered your 'Internet Address'.
RegistrierenFacebook ermöglicht es dir, mit den Menschen in deinem Leben in Verbindung zu treten und Inhalte mit diesen zu teilen.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.