Should I let my 10 year old daughter continue to watch a certain anime, if she is obsessed with a character?

Well, there are some anime that have names of the devils and some anime are bad for the Children, well I'm an anime lover also, so I can I understand your problem, and I saw it that your mother is quite unfair on that particular judgement in terms of anime, and its kind of an insult to the excellent anime script writers and the one who draws the anime, so why not tell this to your mom, "I'm watching anime and I know some of it contains an unpleasant words and sometimes even the drawings, but there are also some anime that you can get some lessons in life, like Clannad because this anime do have the genre of slice of life" just like that, what I'm trying to say here is, tell her that even if your watching anime, you are mature enough to understand that anime is just an anime and you don't have the plan to do the anime stuff in real life, and also, try to say this to your mom, me watching anime is my part of growing up, I love anime so please don't stop me from watching it, even movies made by Keano Reaves or Brad Pit have words or details that not very suitable for audiences even for young or adult, but even if you watch it, it will always depend on you on how you live your life, so this anime movie or what so ever don't have anything to do in my decision making cos im mature enough to understand that its just a movie or anime.. well there you have it hope ive helped..

I'm sorry, but your pastor is crazy and might think that anything that he can't understand is either a sin or satanic. Anime is just Japanese cartoons, simple as that. There ARE animes with occultic themes, such as Hellsing, but to say that "anime was created as a result of spirit worship" is just like saying that "American cartoons were created as a result of Christian worship".

Being that your mom seems to be a super-conservative Christian, you might want to show her Christian Anime Alliance. It's a website for Christian anime fans, and it gives Christian insights into different animes.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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