Should I make my child follow my religious beliefs or let him explore religion for himself?

This may be tough but you have to let your child explore religion on their own. Growing up a child either way claims the title of the religion his or her family practices. As time goes on they will start to ask questions, only if they are not afraid of black lash from family or they are in need of some help.No one should believe in a religion solely because their family does, that’s not belief at all.

You should allow them to explore and if they so choose your religion to be the right fit for them then so be it, at least now they will have been educated. Don’t be afraid to let them make up their own minds.No offense, but all religions essentially believe in the same thing. They just have a different path to reaching the same goal.

Forcing anyone to do anything is only going to make them feel like they have been backed in to a corner and sooner or later they are going to bite back. Don’t do that to your kid. The more understanding you are the smoother the transition will be.

I know when I started questioning my beliefs it was because I was confused as to what my religion was. I thought I believed in something that I knew nothing about only because my parents told me that’s the way it was. So I did research and read books and seeked opinions.

It took me years and I am still in the process to know what I could say I believe in and what I don’t. Let him look into your religion then offer him books on others. Not the religious texts like the Bible and the Quran, I mean just overviews of what each religion believes and follows.

He can go to the library and checkout books on Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, and so on. Heck he can even research it online. Whatever he decides you will know that you didn’t stand in his way and not only that but now he is more well rounded and educated man.

Here’s a great site to get him started: I would also suggest he take a course in comparative religions.

I am absolutely against christening your child or forcing you own beliefs on them. Religon is a way of life and I don't think that it's fair to choose your child's path for them. I am not religious but if my son grows up and wants to be a priest then good for him.

I will respect his choice because he made it himself. Even if I was religious I would be doing the same thing. I believe in being a good person and not expecting any rewards for it in the after-life like some people do... That is what I will teach my son.

Not only that, it is sometimes a litte too harsh to teach children about religion. I grew up in Philadelphia and although my family isn't Catholic I went to a Catholic school. The public school system there is horrible so anyone who wants their child to get a good education is forced to pay ridiculous amounts of money for it.

My first day of school I was told that anyone who wasn't baptized is going to hell. I ran home crying because I am not and neither is anyone in my family.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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