I think it's a great idea for pitchers to wear helmets. I don't have actual statistics on this, but I'm almost certain that pitchers get hit in the head more often than any player on the field, excluding the batter. When a pitcher gets hit, it's more dangerous since he isn't wearing a helmet and the ball is coming back faster than a pitched ball is coming in.
I just hope it doesn't take a serious injury or God forbid, a death to a pitcher from a line drive, for Major League Baseball to do the right thing and make pitchers wear helmets. I remember other players at other positions wear a helmet, most notably John Olerud, first baseman for many years, mainly with the Toronto Blue Jays. Since the death of minor league first base coach Mike Coolbaugh in 2007, first and third base coaches are required to wear helmets.It's a great idea!
I think it's a great idea for pitchers to wear helmets. I don't have actual statistics on this, but I'm almost certain that pitchers get hit in the head more often than any player on the field, excluding the batter. When a pitcher gets hit, it's more dangerous since he isn't wearing a helmet and the ball is coming back faster than a pitched ball is coming in.
I just hope it doesn't take a serious injury or God forbid, a death to a pitcher from a line drive, for Major League Baseball to do the right thing and make pitchers wear helmets. I remember other players at other positions wear a helmet, most notably John Olerud, first baseman for many years, mainly with the Toronto Blue Jays. Since the death of minor league first base coach Mike Coolbaugh in 2007, first and third base coaches are required to wear helmets.
It's a great idea! I think it's a great idea for pitchers to wear helmets. I don't have actual statistics on this, but I'm almost certain that pitchers get hit in the head more often than any player on the field, excluding the batter.
When a pitcher gets hit, it's more dangerous since he isn't wearing a helmet and the ball is coming back faster than a pitched ball is coming in. I just hope it doesn't take a serious injury or God forbid, a death to a pitcher from a line drive, for Major League Baseball to do the right thing and make pitchers wear helmets. I remember other players at other positions wear a helmet, most notably John Olerud, first baseman for many years, mainly with the Toronto Blue Jays.
Since the death of minor league first base coach Mike Coolbaugh in 2007, first and third base coaches are required to wear helmets. It's a great idea!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.