I think it depends on how drastic a difference there is in color between the eyebrows and the hair. If one has naturally dark brown or black hair and dyes it blonde, then that looks pretty bad. I don't think eyebrows that are very blonde to the point of looking almost white looks good, but a lighter brown or dirty blonde would look good.
If the hair color is dyed red, I think red eyebrows would look ridiculous, but brown or black would look fine. I particularly think that if one's hair is grey and their eyebrows have also turned gray, then if the hair is dyed then the eyebrows should be as well. Of course I wouldn't suggest someone that dyes their hair pink or green to do the same with their eyebrows.
On the other hand, as crazy as hair looks in those colors, might as well do the same with the eyebrows.
My mom is a frequent "dyer" and this question has come up quite a few times. If your dye-job is subtle, such as a brown to a black or vise vera, brow dying isnt that important as it isnt obvious; however, black brows with yellow blonde hair will look weird. You should dye your eyebrows in that case.
If you dye your hair an exotic color like blood red, magenta, or desert sand mica, you need not dye your eyebrows--it adds to your bad ass doo. Overall, if the color change is subtle don't mess.
Totally your call, but on a personal note, I recommend it. It's refreshing to see an added change to your face. The pic is a little extreme - but what the hey - it grows out.
:-) .
Eyeliner and eyebrows, will interfere with a future MRI. Is this true? There are iron oxide-based products or pigmentations that are more likely to have a reaction or reactivity to MRI.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.