Everyone should be registered to donate their organs, in my opinion we should have an opt-out system where your organs would automatically be available after death. I think the best argument for donating your organs is just to think if any of your loved ones needed a transplant, would you want them to get it? Or would you be happy for them to die as someone thought it was "icky" to donate something they have no longer have any use for.
I'm actually rather callous and think anyone who isn't registered to donate their organs should be ineligible for transplants themselves.
I think each person must make up his or her own mind on organ donation. I know I plan to donate mine for the simple reason that I won't be using them and somebody could use them. My girlfriend had a 4 year old daughter pass away and while it was painful to think about, they donated some of her organs to help other people.
It definitely should be up to the person. It should not be required because it is ultimately their body. But I would hope that most people would eventually choose to donate their organs to help save lives.It can make a huge impact in so many lives and I know that each one of us would be so grateful if someone saved the lives of our loved ones.
I believe people should donate their organs. I am an organ donor because I will have no use for them when I'm gone, and the organs may give a child a chance at life, give someone back their wife or husband, or mother or father.
I think it comes down to an individual decision. If you are the type that wants to help and your organs are healthy ...then you probably will want to help save a life. There are some that cannot donate organs, due to their choice of religion, but even then it is a personal decision at some levels.
Its hard to gauge such an important question....but I am certain that it is 90% about a personal decision and 10% about beliefs.
I am not an organ donor but only because I have this crazy fear that I'll somehow still be alive when they think I'm dead. I have nightmares about it sometimes lol.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.