Should the US do away with corporate income taxes?

The corporations just pass the tax onto the consumer so they are the ones who really pay them in higher prices. If there were no corporate taxes maybe more companies would move to the US, consumer prices would go down, employment would go up and we would be a more prosperous nation. What do you think?

Asked by Directmale 6 months ago Similar questions: corporate income taxes Politics & Law > Politics.

You are paying their share too in the form of higher prices they have to charge to offset their corporate income taxes. Directmale 6 months ago .

Piffle. That is what competition is for. Otherwise it is all profit.

Costs are costs and they have to be covered or a business fails. Directmale 6 months ago .

And they come out of profits. Competition means some have to settle for less.

Not eliminate them, but lower them to levels that are competitive with foreign countries, and then eliminate a lot of the "bogus" deductions that make it cheaper to pay millions to accountants than to pay taxes.

That would certainly help. With the current political climate it may be the best we can get. The ignorance by some on the left is mind numbing.

Directmale 6 months ago .

The idea is good,but there are a lot of wealthy corporations that pay little or no income tax now,and haven't seen them do what you are talking about,what makes ya think they will if the get tax exempt, accept increase their profits,and continue to look at other countries for cheaper labour,and lesser enviromental laws. A few years ago our country(Canada) came up with the GST tax that replaced the manufacturers tax,saying taking that tax off the corporations and putting it on the working man would reduce the price of most consumer goods IT did not,the only thing it put more money in the pockets of big business. Instead of tax exemptions,businesses need incentives,to keep their operations in North America,and not look abroad for cheaper labour,and cheaper products,and I would support tax breaks for those efforts.

And some of those efforts could be training of people with disabilitys ,that sort of thing if you can get people out of depending on Government and taking care of them selfs you are on the road to recovery.

Sure; IF the corporate profit is apportioned to the shareholders as income on forms 1099. Otherwise; you are just raising taxes for the rest of us; in order to give the corporations a free ride. As it stands; if I don't want to pay the corporation's income taxes for them; I can take my business to someone else.

It is a sales tax and consumers pay it. If we had lower corporate income taxes, instead of the second highest in the world, we could save some American jobs. Can't you see that?

Is your hatred for corporations and wealthy people, and your reliance on the government blinded you to that obvious fact? Directmale 6 months ago .

But if I don't buy their product; they cannot pass their taxes on to me. If they have no taxes; then the tax load will be shifted directly to the consumers; and I will have to pay that tax whether I buy their product or not. Or did you miss that part in your hurry to accuse me of socialism?

And what is this alleged reliance on government you accuse me of? Perhaps if they gave me free taxes for my business; you could accuse me of reliance on government; or if they passed a law that any employees I chose to hire could not engage in collective bargaining (though; I'm sure I've said that I am a union employer; so I would choose to hire under a collective bargaining agreement. )whay you are proposing is to allow a select group of people operate tax free - which would require charging others increased taxes.

I guess redistributing the wealth is okay when you are redistributing it from the poor to you. And actually; according to historical records; it was when we had HIGHER taxes that we prospered the most. This question sounds vwry much like that arrogant hack Sizemore; who spammed the Oregon legal system with initiatives designed to reduce taxes in Lake Oswego at the expense of the rest of Oregon.

Last I heard he was actually having to work for a living; and I can't say I felt a bit sorry for him. He was making more than a LOT of Oregonians male.

We refer to it as Lake Ego. Directmale 6 months ago .

Cutting federal spending 260Increasing taxes 894A combination of both 2649Unsure 36Total Submissions: 3844 .

Fox News lolHow sad that that would be so amusing.

The above is too old, skip that; it's 2009.

Not the first two just How the spending priorities match up.

DO I HAVE TO PAY INCOME TAXES ON THIS MONEY. " "How do I figure out what is deductible for income taxes and what is not? " "Our band got paid to play in a bar, how much are the federal taxes on that income?

How much money must one earn as a 1099 contractor to file income taxes.

Do I have to pay income taxes on this money.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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