SMOKING... I was just wondering has smoking been linked to heredity? parents smoking... etc.?

Similar questions: SMOKING wondering smoking linked heredity parents.

I thin there might be a genetic component to addiction - there certainly is for alcohol; however, both my parents were addicted to nicotine and neither my brother nor myself smoke. So, it must be a recessive genetic trait. Schelli's Recommendations The Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Join the Millions Who Have Become Non-Smokers Using Allen Carr's Easyway Method Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $7.49 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 420 reviews) .

Smoking can't be inherited - but susceptibility for addiction just might. The actual choice of substance can't be genetically inherited, although there's been some inconclusive studies indicating that maybe some people are more likely to get trapped by an addictive substance than others. What's strongly inheritable though are attitudes.

A kid growing up in a family of smokers(occasional or habitual) is much more likely to become a smoker than a kid from a non-smoking family.

1 Don't see how it would be possible. Smoking is a choice. A personal habit that you choose and take on yourself.

One HECK of a thing to break however. My father and mother both smoked two packes a day. I never had the urge at all.

Usually the kids see what the parents do and they follow suite so its a wonder I didn't pick it up but I didn't. After my father had a heart attack he quit. Day late dollar short.

Then came heart surgery. Then he passed away at only 74 years old. It shortened his life for sure.

DocPersonal Opinion .

Don't see how it would be possible. Smoking is a choice. A personal habit that you choose and take on yourself.

One HECK of a thing to break however. My father and mother both smoked two packes a day. I never had the urge at all.

Usually the kids see what the parents do and they follow suite so its a wonder I didn't pick it up but I didn't. After my father had a heart attack he quit. Day late dollar short.

Then came heart surgery. Then he passed away at only 74 years old. It shortened his life for sure.

DocPersonal Opinion.

2 The reason smoking is so addictive is the nicotine. Some people are genetically more receptive to nicotine, so it would make sense that they would be more likely to become addicted. Of course, social elements play a large role, but there are absolutely genetic factors at play.

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2 The reason smoking is so addictive is the nicotine. Some people are genetically more receptive to nicotine, so it would make sense that they would be more likely to become addicted. Of course, social elements play a large role, but there are absolutely genetic factors at play.

The reason smoking is so addictive is the nicotine. Some people are genetically more receptive to nicotine, so it would make sense that they would be more likely to become addicted. Of course, social elements play a large role, but there are absolutely genetic factors at play.

Hermes replied to post #2: 3 I agree. Not just nicotine, but addiction to other things can probably be passed genetically. Medical researchers generally agree that some people are more likely to become addicted to drugs than others because of their brain "wiring".

Brain chemistry can be passed genetically. Unfortunately, not a lot of research has been done on this as it applies to smoking. All the money in smoking research goes into enumerating the bad things that happen to people when they do it.

Not much is done on why they do it, or ways to "cure" the addiction.

I agree. Not just nicotine, but addiction to other things can probably be passed genetically. Medical researchers generally agree that some people are more likely to become addicted to drugs than others because of their brain "wiring".

Brain chemistry can be passed genetically. Unfortunately, not a lot of research has been done on this as it applies to smoking. All the money in smoking research goes into enumerating the bad things that happen to people when they do it.

Not much is done on why they do it, or ways to "cure" the addiction.

" "is smoking bad for a baby" "I am wondering what I can buy for my parents.

If you start smoking at a party, within ten minutes every else will be too, but they'll be smoking your cigarettes(?).

I am wondering what I can buy for my parents.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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