Although I've seen all of Kubrick's films except for Barry Lyndon, I have loved all of them, and it's difficult to pick a clear winner. Both The Shining and A Clockwork Orange would feature on my best-of-Kubrick list, as I feel that each one is amazing. And I don't wanna do any injustice to the seminal Full Metal Jacket...
This film on the life of the Roman slave and gladiator Spartacus (played by Kirk Douglas), was just Brilliant. The grandiose, epic-scale doesn't overwhelm the force of the story or the humanity that the actors, especially Douglas lend to the film.
For me, I'm gonna go with Full Metal Jacket because it is one of the few Kubrick movies that I was around to see in the original at the theatre, and think for myself what I liked/didn't like. 2001, Clockwork Orange and Dr. Strangelove were all classics before I ever saw them, so I'm not sure I was ever able to form my own opinions about them. FMJ I remember vividly, and I remember comparing it to Vietnam movies of the time - the well known Platoon and the little known Hamburger ll - and thinking of it as "the bootcamp movie".
Only later did I learn about how Kubrick did this on purpose, setting the movie up in three distinct acts (boot camp, "in the sh*t", and the final sniper sequence).
You are so mean haha. How can anyone pick just one? When it comes down to it.....I have to choose between Alex (Malcolm McDowell) and Private Pyle (Vincent Donofrio).
Full Metal Jacket is a military person's I have to go there and it made me investigate and watch everything Donofrio ever was in! This was thought provoking!
To illustrate that you cannot fix the sicknesses of the world with the sickness of the governments, I find that my favorite Stanley Kubrick film (although somewhat disturbing! ) would be:
I definitely think it depends on your age and where you were at that time and what you were going through. For me 2001 was the best obviously when picking a favorite movie its relative to the individual. I can say that when I watched the trailer I was star struck.
I can still remember sitting in front of the console tv and seeing the preview on tv with my parents I was and still am a huge star trek fan and this was great to see a movie made about space.
The Shining" 1980,It's awfully hard to put it in words suffice to say I love Stephen King's writing in fact I simply adore it, Then when you throw in the directorial genius of Stanley Kubrick who I loved ever since Lolita 1962 and we definitely had a bomb in our hands. Another plus was the choice of Jack Nicholson as the caretaker a master himself of the genre, what more can I say?
A Clockwork Orange! It was required to watch this movie in order to pass my freshman English class in college. The other reason why is that I never thought so much about writing a paper on such a deranged and idiosyncratic film.
Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well. To what do I owe the extreme pleasure of this surprising visit?
Hmm, such a tough choice. You brought up really good choices, nadiraziz. I also really love 2001: A Space Odyssey.
But, I just saw Dr. Strangelove again for the first time in a while, and even though I remembered every joke, I still thought it was incredible. Peter Sellers is excellent, and I love dark comedies. Plus, it warned America of the Commie plot to make America impotent.So I'm gonna go with that.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.