They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What do you find beautiful that everyone else thinks is ugly? It can also read who do you find beautiful that everyone else thinks is ugly?
Asked by -layyla- 54 months ago Similar Questions: beauty eye beholder find beautiful thinks ugly Recent Questions About: beauty eye beholder find beautiful thinks ugly Lifestyle > Beauty.
Similar Questions: beauty eye beholder find beautiful thinks ugly Recent Questions About: beauty eye beholder find beautiful thinks ugly.
For me, it's... E.T. What I mean by that is E.T. when he first appears on the screen, before we have a chance to love him. When I first saw his fingers, they reminded me of fingers that belong to people I know who have disabilities. And it made me realize that deformity and beauty can go, quite literally, hand in hand.
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Well, I have an odd list for you Rainy Days - I think rainy days are much more beautiful and uplifting than sunny days. I love the low clouds, the glistening drops of rain, the damp earth. Very beautiful.
The Name, "Ada" - Ok this is silly, but my great grandmother's name was Ada and I love it. I think it's beautiful and unique. Everyone on the planet seems to hate it though - including Ada.
Rumor has it she hated her own name. But if I have another daughter, she might get stuck with it anyway. Kathy Griffin - Yes, the D-List comedienne.
Talk show, radio shows, internet blogs...they all pick on this middle-aged comedienne for her "dumpy" or "scary" looks. But I think she's aging very well, I think she has a lot of natural beauty (which has been a little -ahem- enhanced through surgery, which she freely admits). She has pretty red hair, nice taste in clothing, and a sense of humor about her appearance.
And I think she's a normal woman - and that makes her very beautiful. Flannel Shirts - If they're sized correctly and not too worn out or ragged, then I think flannel shirts can be really good looking on people. I might not wear them out on the town.
But I think they can be a cute look nonetheless for miling around the house, gardening, or staying cozy on a cold winter day. The Honda Element - This vehicle is an odd duck with a square back end and boxy features. A lot of people shred it as one of the ugliest vehicles on the road.
I say "not so". I think it has a lot of character and it looks pretty sporty. Pugs - These dogs are as beautiful - if not moreso - than any other breed of dog out there.
Their wrinkles, flat nose, and intense snorting is absolutely beautiful to me. Their curly tails are endearing, their cuddles are comforting, and their personalities are heartwarming. They are anything but ugly.
PenguinSage's Recommendations A Pug's Life: The Dogumentary Amazon List Price: $19.95 Used from: $11.86 Pugs (Complete Pet Owner's Manuals) Amazon List Price: $7.99 Used from: $1.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 26 reviews) Webkinz Pug Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) .
Brace yourself... I find the placenta to be a beautiful thing. (Stop groaning! I have a reason!
) At every birth I've ever attended, I always ask to see it and always take a picture of it. Why, you ask? Because that is where every human life starts.
Every single person that has EVER been born, from the beginning of time, has had a placenta. Without it, there is no life. If you look at the way the vessels are laid out on the placenta, they form a tree shape, hence the name "tree of life".
It is awe-inspiring to me. Here is a link to show you what I mean. Do not click if you are squeamish
Real curves... I love curvy women. All of my guy friends give me a hard time about it because I find a real (no cosmetic surgery, please) curvy woman so appealling. I also really like women who look their age.
I certainly weigh a bit more than I did in high school and I expect the ladies do too. I particularly caught a lot of heat because I thought Nikki Blonsky from "Hairspray" was so cute. It didn't hurt that she could sing like nobody's business, but she was really, really curvy and really, really cute in the movie.
Sources: my opinion HankMoody's Recommendations Hairspray (Soundtrack to the Motion Picture) Amazon List Price: $16.98 Used from: $6.71 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 130 reviews) .
Well when I first meet my wife, I didn't even see how ugly she really was because I was only thinking of her inner beauty, all my friends were saying, man dude what is it, what do you see in this thing. You see I never saw my wife in person because we meet on-line, so I feel in love with ,oh how can I say it, her words of wisdom I guess, we spoke for over 6 months before I even saw what she looked like, she would send me pictures but they would be blurry or like 10 years old so I new that she was not real attractive but that did not matter at the time. Then when we meet in person all I really could do was just look into her eyes,(that way I couldnt see the ugly) anyways thats were the real beauty was anyways, deep deep inside.
So I guess over the years I just got really used to the way she looks, so while everyone else sees this fat cow with a pig nose and kinky black hair, I see a beautiful person, but I must say not not all the time, lately I see a hormonal middle aged beast.
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" "What is your idea of beauty but others may not think so?
Beauty and cosmetics experts of Askville, I need your advice on eye shadow and liner.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.