Today's the day! Who will win the Presidential election, and how many electoral votes will he get? I'm not asking who is the better candidate, or why.
What I want to know is who will win, and with what number of electoral votes? This is like an election pool. The Askviller who gets closest to the right number (and right candidate), will win a fantastic prize!
A zillion quest gold points, good for anything at the Questville site (coming in late 2008! ) :) At this point, it doesn't matter what party or candidate you support. As long as you have voted, you have done your part!
Just post what you think the outcome will be. Use the discussion board, please, so we can see all the guesses in one place. Have fun with this!
I'll start! Katherine Asked by ***caseycat*** 38 months ago Similar questions: Today's day win Presidential election electoral votes Politics & Law > Politics.
Similar questions: Today's day win Presidential election electoral votes.
1 Obama...either 343 or 353. =) What do I win? .
Obama...either 343 or 353. =) What do I win?
2 Whoa, slow down, Spatzie, this question stays open until all the polls are closed! :) Besides, I have already told you what the *fantastic prize* is, lol! Just imagine what you could get with a zillion quest gold points at the coming-in-late-2008 Questville Store!
My entry is Obama, with 327 electoral votes. :)Katherine .
Whoa, slow down, Spatzie, this question stays open until all the polls are closed! :) Besides, I have already told you what the *fantastic prize* is, lol! Just imagine what you could get with a zillion quest gold points at the coming-in-late-2008 Questville Store!
My entry is Obama, with 327 electoral votes. :)Katherine.
4 1) A U.S. Senator2) At least 270See you tomorrow morning.
1) A U.S. Senator2) At least 270See you tomorrow morning.
Spatzie~Lover replied to post #4: 5 Loves my fishy-foo! {{{{hugs}}}} Have fun a gym class! =) .
Loves my fishy-foo! {{{{hugs}}}} Have fun a gym class! =).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.