I have a Ogio-brand Firefox messenger that I really like. When you only have your laptop in it, it's pretty thin, but it can expand enough to hold two laptops + accessories.
I got this bag at Target about a year ago and it's been great for me. Reasonably priced at $34.99 http://www.target.com/Targus-Notebook-Case-Black-CVR217/dp/B00023763Y/sr=1-11/qid=1228622549/ref=sr_1_11/179-7046172-1915152?ie=UTF8&pricerange=&index=target&field-browse=1038576&rh=k%3ALaptop%20Bag%2Cp_36%3A%2425-%2449&page=5
Here's a nice backpack with a designated laptop compartment: thenorthface.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servl..." rel="nofollow">thenorthface.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servl...?productId=58257&storeId=207&catalogId=10201&langId=-1&from=subCat&parent_category_rn=11748&variationId=619 Although that one's a bit pricey at $119, you can get a much more simple but still rugged bag for about 50 bucks: thenorthface.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servl..." rel="nofollow">thenorthface.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servl...?productId=58286&storeId=207&catalogId=10201&langId=-1&from=subCat&parent_category_rn=11748&variationId=002.
Take your work, school, day-tripping, or light travel necessities with you with hands-free comfort and casual, designer style in The North Face MainFrame. This lightweight and durable nylon backpack features a slim, compact design with bright logo accents, and it's available in several colors. It boasts a spacious, zippered and lined main compartment with organizational pockets, slots, and sleeves; a zippered, dedicated, padded laptop computer compartment with its own stash pocket; and a dedicated, neoprene rubber tablet-sized portable PC sleeve.
Its plush, tricot-lined zippered front pocket is perfect for holding your cell phone, PDA, or sunglasses, and its vertical front zip pocket offers even more storage space. Its stretchy mesh side pocket provides quick access to your water bottle, and it comes with padded, contoured shoulder straps.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.