You need a "RCA Video Input Selector Switch" They usually cost about $20. Cheap ones require that you manually move a dial to select which device you want to use. Nice ones let you program your remote to switch it from the couch.It will look something like this:
Then, connect your DVD player up to the switch. Then, connect your Wii up to the switch. Then, if your computer has an S-Video (the round connector) output, connect it too!
Connect your Digital Cable box directly to your TV. If you print this question out and head into your local Radio Shack or Wal-Mart, an electronics employee will know exactly what you need and will show you where they are. If you want to totally geek out and spend the big bucks, people with home theaters don't buy switches like these, they buy "receivers".
These receivers act as the "brains" of a home theater and relay all audio and video. They cost between $100 and $10,000. The one I have cost $800 and it's perfectly nice.
If you don't want to geek out, add a bunch of speakers or generally look cool when talking to other geeks... you will be MORE than fine with a $20 switch like the one above.
Aside from fiddling with cables every time, a simple solution would be to use an AV switch box, where you can connect the box to the TV, and the rest of the systems/laptop/equipment to the box, and when you want to switch sources, just press the labeled button on the box. Some suggestions for cheap(er) av switch boxes are listed below:
Personally I wouldn't get a switch, it will be worthless when you upgrade a tv or to a receiver some day,. Since the video goes out when you disconnect the coax from the dvd then it must be capable of running just on that. So try disconnecting all of the other cables.
This will be the case if you receive the dvd on channel 3 or 4 based on the selector switch on the back of the dvd player. Hopefully your cable box has composite out, most do, attach the yellow red white cables so you can watch cable through the input feature on the TV. Check for all of them together listed as input or input 1 or something.
Then if you are really lucky your cable box also has a yellow red white input set for your gamecube. You will have an input button on the cable remote for that. As for your laptop, you may have to trade off the inputs for that.
Good luck.
If you want to totally geek out and spend the big bucks, people with home theaters don't buy switches like these, they buy "receivers". These receivers act as the "brains" of a home theater and relay all audio and video. They cost between $100 and $10,000.
The one I have cost $800 and it's perfectly nice. If you don't want to geek out, add a bunch of speakers or generally look cool when talking to other geeks... you will be MORE than fine with a $20 switch like the one above. They usually cost about $20.
Cheap ones require that you manually move a dial to select which device you want to use. Nice ones let you program your remote to switch it from the couch. Connect a switch like this up to your TV in place of your DVD player.
Then, connect your DVD player up to the switch. Then, connect your Wii up to the switch. Then, if your computer has an S-Video (the round connector) output, connect it too!
Connect your Digital Cable box directly to your TV.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.