Was Obama suffering from altitude sickness last night? Why was he letting Romney get away with his lies?

He wasn't prepared for it.... Obama expected the talking points that Romney had been giving in his commercials and at his speeches. Basically Obama forgot Romney is the flip-flop king.

It is funny how Democrats are going out of their way to try to justify Pres. Obama’s blunder in that debate. Not saying you are but most other Democrats.

You know a good philosophy to go by? Stop blaming the other guy for your own failures. But you see that the Obama administration is nothing more than an expert in doing just that, trying to blame someone else for their own failures.

Pres. Obama proved several things very clearly, it was a lose / lose situation for him. On the one hand you can say all night long that Romney lied through his teeth, so what you are really saying is that Pres.

Obama is so incompetent that if you catch him off guard even just a little in such an important debate he will allow you to step all over him? Wow, that shows the leadership I don't want in the Whitehouse since if a contender can take him to the cleaners so easily, what will other country leaders do to him and more to the point do to us? I agree with part of your detective point except for when he said hey Mitt let's get out of here.

He would probably ask Mitt, "Who gave you that bloody knife? We need to talk to the actual killer." Simply put Pres.

Obama proved something that many have been criticizing for years, when pressed on an issue he crumbles easily. That is not leadership that is lack of leadership. Please admit that even Hillary Clinton would have given a better battle than Pres.

Obama. You know who I blame for this? Registered Democrats!

You selected Pres. Obama over Hillary Clinton during the Dem Primaries. EDIT: Again your injections of Romney being a Chameleon or be this or that does not change the fact that Pres.

Obama fail to act! As I said before all that is being done is trying to find a way to blame the other guy for Obamas failures period. Get that straight and you will figure out how Pres.

Obama was defeated so easily. When you go to the Superbowl the fans don't want to hear you crying about you losing the Championship because the other team changed plays. Guess what?

The other team is now the Champions because YOUR TEAM FAILED TO RETALIATE! If there was a way to counter Gov. Romney as you all claim there is, why was it not done?

Simply put it was game day and Obamas A game was nowhere in sight, Romneys A game was all over the place and Team Romney pulled in the BIG W that night. Get over it and by the way I used sports terms because that is what Obama understands. He dropped the ball, shutout, if this werea Basketball game the score would have been Team Romney 97W, Team Obama 63L.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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