It definitely seems out of line for Perez lton to comment on Tallulah Willis – she’s 15! Making reference to the anatomy of a 15 year old is just not good form. On the other side, by implying that Perez lton was a pedophile Demi Moore definitely seemed to overreact.
Perez lton is a blogger and while sensational, I don’t think people really see this as a pornographic move either. He makes money by spreading gossip and/or saying startling things. While he crossed the line, let’s not be unreasonable either.
Moore would have been much better by just suggesting it was ridiculous for him to do it and asking for him to apologize. It likely would have died as story and I never would have heard anything. As it is, she escalated the issue and unfortunately gave much more credibility to the story than it ever deserved.
Mahala's own tallulah willis page has this picture linked right at the top. If Demi and Bruce don't want folks snapping these sort of pictures and making the obvious remarks, perhaps they should make sure she is fully dressed before allowing her in public.
Demi Moore is a mother. Anyone who will do such to her child will probably react the same or even worst than that. Perez is sooo wrong for saying 'look at her boobs'.
It is somehow hurting and insulting not just for the child but for the mother too. Oh well, what's new? Perez doesn't care for anything else but say nasty things on Hollywood stars and their family.
That's why I can't blame if others wanted to him physically (like what Will.i. Am's manager did).
The We Can't Stop singer totally dominated social media this week with an extremely racy photoshoot with Scout and Tallulah Willis! However, it wasn't just Miz Cyrus who decided to show some skin! Kylie Jenner took sultry selfies, Kendall Jenner did a Fendi shoot, and Amber Rose showed off her brand new shoes!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.