Weird error compiling code that calls Surface low-level CUDA API?

The struct surfaceReference pointer should be defined as const.

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This minimal example: int main() { struct surfaceReference* surfaceReferencePointer; cudaGetSurfaceReference(&surfaceReferencePointer, "surfaceReference"); } Fails when it is compiled like this: nvcc -g -arch=sm_20 -o foo. Out foo. Cu Showing the following error message: foo.

Cu(4): warning: argument of type "surfaceReference **" is incompatible with parameter of type "const surfaceReference **" foo. Cu(4): warning: argument of type "surfaceReference **" is incompatible with parameter of type "const surfaceReference **" foo. Cu: In function ‘int main()’: foo.

Cu:4: error: invalid conversion from ‘surfaceReference**’ to ‘const surfaceReference**’ foo. Cu:4: error: initializing argument 1 of ‘cudaError_t cudaGetSurfaceReference(const surfaceReference**, const char*)’ I cannot understand what I am doing wrong. I am compiling on a Linux Ubuntu 64-bit machine, using CUDA 3.2. Cuda nvcc link|improve this question asked Mar 24 '11 at 17:45Auron80311229 100% accept rate.

2 You should define you pointer as const – codymanix Mar 24 '11 at 17:52 You're right! Please, post your comment as an answer so I can accept it. Thanks.

– Auron Mar 24 '11 at 18:04.

The struct surfaceReference* pointer should be defined as const: int main() { const struct surfaceReference* surfaceReferencePointer; cudaGetSurfaceReference(&surfaceReferencePointer, "surfaceReference"); } Kudos to codymanix, who provided the right answer in the comments.

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