A filigree Rings|ring is one that uses delicate, elaborate metal scroll work as a primary design element instead of multiple accent gems. Filigree patterns are simply beautiful constructs without any cultural significances and one such example of filigree rings is Celtic Diamonds|engagement rings. IMG
Filigree is a jewel work of a delicate kind made with twisted threads usually of Gold|gold and Silver|silver or stitching of the same curvy motif. It oftens suggests lace, and is most popular in French fashion decoration from 1660 to the present. Filigree involves threads being soldered together to form an object.
Simply defined, “filigree†means a delicate, ornamental design. A filigree ring, then, has extensive metalwork, frequently in symmetrical or figural patterns. The extent of the filigree pattern depends on the specifics of the ring, but generally only medium or thick rings have elaborate filigrees because of the intricacy.
Filigree rings may or may not incorporate gemstones, usually depending on the design’s intricacy: a gemstone may be overwhelmed by an elaborate pattern, or the stone may detract from the finest details of the filigree. engagementrings.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Fili... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filigree.
From Encyclopedia Britannica -- quote -- Filigree - decorative art delicate, lacelike ornamental openwork composed of intertwined wire threads of Gold|gold or Silver|silver, widely used since antiquity for Jewelry|jewelry. The art consists of curling, twisting, or plaiting fine, pliable metal threads and soldering them at their points of contact with each other and, if there is one, with the metal groundwork. -- end quote -- See images below.
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