These are some great ideas to earn money at home: 1. Buy and sell antiques. This has been a very productive business and you only need an extra room in the house or you can make use of your garage and have an office.
If you have a large home with some antique furnishings you can consider turning it into a showroom for your antique acquisitions and sales. But you should provide and satisfy any local zoning in your area. If you are knowledgeable about antiques this would be a great opportunity for you.2.
If you have a talent in baking and cooking you can launch your business by cooking at home and marketing your good to local people first. You can specialize in one well-tested food or innovate a product that you have originally created on your own that has not been marketed before. Through word of mouth on an excellent product can start restaurants or bakeries interested in acquiring your expert service and you can then progress to selling them statewide.3.
You can also become a bed-and-breakfast proprietors. It is not easy work as you need hours spent on this but you can work it out into a daily schedule. If you have an extra room or two you can start your own bed and breakfast in your own place.4.
Child care or caring for an additional child may not sound very lucrative but taking care of several more children can be certainly a successful business. Taking care of children can be easier as they often play together. Just invest on some equipments like toys for the kids and additional advertising.5.
If you are a whiz in computers you can become a computer specialist, a consultant, program writer for companies. If you belong to a beginner group you can start by becoming a writer suing your computer to produce copy that is easy to edit. You can also work on accounting and payroll records for companies on your computer's database.5.
Photographer is another option and sky is the limit her. You can do weddings, models, family portraits, passports, student photos, local newspaper coverage and almost anything that requires a picture. You can either start part time or full time based on your interest and success.
You just need a camera and a tripod and a small room in your house and you are in business.
I can totally understand where you are coming from. How one earns a living on the internet would probably be more determined as to what they are interested in. For example, I like writing and always have since I was in high-school so I would probably look for sites that would be offer money for content submissions.
I publish articles on sports and local news content for Associated Content and I do the Q&A for Mahalo as well. While I may not be making millions, it does give me a little bit of a cushion so that I’m not totally dependent on the income from my Monday-Friday gig. The list below references a few other writing sites but I have not had a chance to really plunge into as of yet due to time constraints.
Constant-Content Demand Studios E-How Break Studios One you decide what fields you are interested in, it would probably be a matter of doing an internet search to see what sites offer compensation for your particular talent.
Ginamichellesattic! If you're from the US, there are plenty of work opportunities for you esp. Here online.
You can be a freelance writer for sites like: Elance Guru ScriptLance oZLance Freelance Writing Journalism Jobs Get A Freelancer Suite 101 iFreelance Helium CraigsList Examiner Suite101 Constant-content eHow You can also earn by writing your own blogs via Wordpress. Com and There are a plenty of revenue generating ads you can choose from like Google Adsense (strictest among all because I got my account disabled), AdBrite, and what not.
See this url for guide: . You can also work at Amazon. Com via Mechanical Turk.
See this blog here: . Actually, I also had worked in mturk but I have stopped for now because it wouldn’t pay cash to other international turkers anymore except India. You can also work in .
Its platform is similar to that of Mechanical Turk’s and it pays via PayPal. You can also work in a Facebook app called CloudCrowd. If you already have a Facebook, just .
I think earning extra money from home is a great idea and there are some sites that can be profitable. One such site is Mahalo. The Q&A on here can pay up to $200 a month depending on how much you do.
Besides that are the Mahalo Dollars which can add up so you can get gift cards or other merchandise at the Mahalo Store. If you have any skills that you can offer someone in terms of teaching then there are some tutoring websites that can be profitable. The sites themselves won't pay you but you will have a profile on them which makes you more likely to get clients and earn some money.
The sites I have worked on are Tutorsteach. Com and At Tutorsteach, you have to pay a fee but just having one or two sessions pays for the fee.
There are other freelancing websites where you can get some work if you have good writing skills. One is Helium. Com, but you have to have really top notch articles to really have any chance of earning anything.
Try a Google search for freelance positions and you'll find many sites offering that. You can also earn money selling merchandise at Amazon. Com or Ebay.
Many people have had good side or even primary incomes on those sites. Good luck!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.