First of all I love the expandability of Firefox with tons of addons to customize it into your wish, which Google Chrome lacks. I would mention about the number of themes, Firefox got to support it, but recently Chrome has released it's themes pack which are available for only the Google Chrome and above. Https://
Html Another feature I love in Firefox is, the Private Browsing, which can be accessed through Tools (Ctrl+Shift+P). It would make your browsing secure, as Firefox does not save anything about your surfing during the time period. Also, when considering internet browsing, the security features offered are what makes the user to feel safe during their surfing, and Firefox does not miss to offer those features.
In my opinion, what makes the browser best is it's memory consumption and page loading time. At this point, Google Chrome takes the Number #1 place. Benchmark : IE8 5708.4ms / 5632.4ms Safari 4 beta 994.0ms / 1138.6ms Firefox 3.1b3 1865.0ms / 2004.8ms Chrome 2 beta 991.2ms / 976.0ms
I hope they will come out with some cool features like Firefox. Hope my answer provides the details you need! :-).
Faster, Secure and Hundreds of Plugins, Skins ........
I guess the one benefit is the plugins or toolbars, but that's not necessarily a really good benefit to use one browser or the other, unless you really have a strong belief or usage in one of the plugin. I use both Firefox and Safari, so I find them both very good browsers. When I feel like I need to use a plugin, then I use Firefox.
I also use them both at the same time, so there is nothing that should stop you from using two browsers at once, as sometimes you feel like switching between the two. I also recommend Xmarks to synchronize your bookmarks in both browsers.
Customization is what makes Firefox better than Chrome whether it is extending functionality with extensions and changing the look of the browsers with different styles and themes..
Plugins loads and loads of them to improve your surfing experience ,look ,feel and security ..Security is the key striking feature in mozilla...Its configurable type about:config in address bar.
I Like the firefox add ons I use this add on called SPIFIC its really cool when used with google it dosnt slow down your browsing experience also its not a performace hogg...
It is the vast variety of addons already available which in case of crome are still under develpement.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.