City Hall in LA is where you want to drop in! Every year, the streets of City Hall fill up in a raucous Cinco de Mayo affair. They have vendors, musicians, and dancers, for what turns out to be L.A.'s biggest outdoor Cinco de Mayo festival.
You'll find the scores of authentic Mexican food, mariachi music, and merchants fill the streets with Mexican spirit and pride! Or... Liquid Kitty's Cinco de Mayo Party in West L.A.They have funky latin DJ music and cheap drink specials. There are more places in and around the metro area at this site Remember to have a safe Cinco!
From 4 p.m. To 2 a.m. , patrons will be able to take advantage of $3 Tecate & Dos Equis, $6 margaritas, and $5 well drinks.
On top of that, you'll be able to soak up the libations with dinner specials. Paying a visit on this special occasion are the "Tecate Girls," helping to get the party started right. Music in the outdoor patio will be performed by Los Pochos, until 10 p.m.
And, because your time is precious, there will be an "outdoor Tecate draft beer bar" to make sure you don't have to walk in-and-out of the main bar while the band is performing. Surfas' "Five on the Fifth" - Culver City It's only for an hour, but for more high brow fare, beer and cheese tasting is on the agenda for Surfas' "Five on the Fifth" celebration. For $25, you will be provided with five unique craft beers from around the world, with cheese that Surfas will pair for you.
Ending at 6 p.m. , you'll still have time hightail it to another event. Lucha VaVoom Presents Cinco de Mayan - Los Angeles Why not make May 5th a sexy night?
Lucha VaVoom is offering a Cinco de Mayo to remember! Taking their hit "sexo y violencia" show for a one night only affair on Cinco de Mayo, Lucha VaVoom offers entertainment in the form of Mexican wrestling (yes, like Nacho Libre-style), naughty burlesque-style stripteasing, and their trademark humor. Tonight's celebration, however, will be a unique experience in that the fiesta will include Aztec, go-go, and salsa dancers, along with with a strolling mariachi band, culminating into an all-out dance party.
You can even pose in the donkey photo booth (there's a dirty joke here, but we'll spare you) to chronicle your unique Cinco de Mayo experience. Tickets are $40, and are expected to sell out. Los Toros Mexican Bar & Cantina: Cinco de Mayo Celebration - Chatsworth Miller Girls, Tequila Girls, and mariachi bands, oh my!
For the northern San Fernando Valley folks, there are drink specials, dinner specials and their renowned Papa Nick's Margaritas are on hand to keep you company with the entertainment. Or is the entertainment on hand to keep you company while dining and drinking? Either way, Los Toros is a northern San Fernando Valley hot spot of good times.
There will be give-aways all night, too. Liquid Kitty's Cinco de Mayo Party - West L.A. Liquid Kitty provides that Westside attitude to Cinco de Mayo. With DJ Renato at the turntable, spinning funky soul, Latin and "explosive grooves," you can revel in drink specials that include $3 Coronas, $3 Don Eduardo shots, $4 La Vida Bajas (Tecate & shot of Tequila), and $5 Margaritas.
For those able to last through the night, there will be a pinata at the strike of 12. El Puerto Escondido Restaurant's Cinco de Mayo Dinner Celebration - El Sereno In the heart of San Gabriel Valley, El Puerto Escondido--known for their delicious seafood entrees--is hosting a Cinco de Mayo fiesta, with a more low key outing. For a $25 donation, you get dinner and two drinks.
The festivities last from 6 p.m. To midnight, with prizes and music slated for the affair. Juanita's Restaurant and Bar - ghland Park Located in Juanita's will be be providing a DJ, spinning 80s, house, and club music, all in the name of freedom.
The party starts at 9 and won't be stopping until 2 a.m. And, hey, if for whatever reason you need to bring your laptop here, they have free Wi-fi! Sagebrush Cantina's Cinco de Mayo Fun!
- Calabasas Is an almost all-day event, starting with their Cinco de Mayo buffet, from 11 a.m. To 4 p.m. Their all-you-can-eat buffet features the standard Mexican dishes you've come to know and love, such as tamales, chile rellenos, albondigas, and even has a fajita bar.
From 5 p.m. Until closing, the drink specials on margaritas, top quality tequila, and Mexican beer, kick in. Accompanying you for the evening will be the Cazadores, Dos Equis, and Margaritaville Girls, giving away free swag all night.
A live band will be taking the stage at 6 p.m. El Carmen - West Hollywood / Mid-City West As if you ever needed an excuse to go to El Carmen. Well, if you were looking for one, we couldn't imagine a better time than on Cinco de Mayo to venture foot.
Part posh, part quirky and kitsch, you will not have have to foresake authenticity dining here. El Carmen is known for their claims of stocking more than 100 different kinds of tequila, and you know what that means... a variety of margaritas. If you're a margarita afficianado, as some people are, this is the draw that pulls people in.As a warning, El Carmen gets packed fairly quick, as people come out here in droves.
City Hall - Downtown L.A.This is one of the occasions where you don't fight City Hall; you embrace it. Every year, the streets of City Hall fill up in a raucous Cinco de Mayo affair. Congregating out on the streets by City Hall, are vendors, musicians, and dancers, for what turns out to be L.A.'s biggest outdoor Cinco de Mayo festival.
Here is where you'll find the scores of authentic Mexican food, mariachi music, and merchants fill the streets with Mexican spirit and pride. Now that we consider you informed on what you can do on Cinco de Mayo, remember that... whatever doesn't tequila you, does NOT make you stronger. >>>>>>>>> Also, check out:
This site is really helpful. It lists at least 7 things you should do there! Hope this helps!
From About. Com: Los Angeles Travel Cinco De Mayo Activites in Los Angeles: Fiesta Broadway A mile-long street fair with music, games and vendor booths in downtown LA. When: April 26, 2009, 1 am - 6 pm Where: Broadway from 1st to Olympic, Downtown Los Angeles Cost: Free Info: Cinco de Mayo at El Pueblo de Los Angeles A traditional celebration with mariachis, folklorico dancers, piñatas and other activities for the kids at El Pueblo de Los Angeles storic Site on Olvera Street in Downtown Los Angeles.
When: Friday - Sunday, May 1-3, 2009, 10 am - 10 pm Where: Olvera Street pedestrian zone at El Pueblo de Los Angeles 845 N. Alameda Street, Los Angeles Cost: Free Info: (213) 485-8372, (not updated for 2009) Viva El Cinco! Family Festival at the Autry National Center Mariachis, ballet folklorico and charro (cowboy) demonstrations, plus Mexican-Revolution-themed puppet shows and puppet making for kids.
When: May 3, 2009, 11 am - 5 pm Where: 4700 Western Heritage Way , Los Angeles , 90027 Cost:: Included with admission of $9 adults, $5 seniors 60+, students with ID and children 13-18, $3 children 3-12, Free under 3 Info:
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