I spent way too much money on hair straighteners. In my opinion, the only thing you'll ever need is this: amazon.com/Infiniti-Conair-CS54-Tourmali... It straightens -AND- curls, and gets very hot in seconds. I have very curly wild hair, and this calms it down better than the expensive ones.
I hear ya! I have unruly hair as well. The two best brands of hot irons for unruly hair are Gold N Hot and Rusk.
The Rusk ceramic flat iron goes for about $80. You can find it at Amazon or even on Ebay. It is well worth every penny.
The flat iron has heat settings and gets very hot. My last one lasted about 6 years and that is with my daughter sharing it with me. The last one I got I have had for 2 years so far.
I would have to say the Rusk ceramic iron is my number one choice. The close second is the Gold N Hot. You can find the Gold N Hot flat irons at Sally beauty Supply.
They have heat settings, as well and are designed for ethnic hair. Of course anyone can use them. Ethnic hair can be very hard to style, so that just tells you how hot these irons get.
The Gold N Hot flat irons are a bit cheaper than Rusk. You can probably find one for about $40. Hope this helps!
Pfositnote I use a great flat iron and for me is the best, it's the Karmin G3 Salon Pro and it heats up to 450F, it has dual voltage and a temperature control. It causes less damage to the hair and you can also curl your hair with it. It leaves my hair soft, shiny and super straight, I totally recommend it!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.