I always look to celebrities for the hottest trends in hair. I guess my theory is they have money for the best of the best stylists. In turn, they are more likely to have the hottest, trendiest haircuts, styles and color!
I have been noticing that one or two strips of color at the bottom under side of the hair is in! Some people will go with very light blond strips and some will even go with a bold color like bright red or pink. As far as haircuts go, I would say what is in is "there are no rules!"
Wild, different, uneven, wispy hair is all in. It is good to be different! Short hair is in, but at the same time, so is mid length and long.
Short wispy hair with layers in bright red is so in! Even prettier with bright blue eyes! Be brave and be wild this year!
Hair is all about revivals and evolution. With styles and colours we’re seeing the best of 2010 reborn, that's the fashionisers in 2011.
Sport a cute, romantic, or elegant look with one of the hottest haircuts on the radar for March. We have all types of haircuts covered! Whoever said simple hairstyles were boring was totally wrong.
Sometimes less is more, and these incredibly gorgeous simple hairstyles prove it! It’s the time of the year we’ve all been waiting for: New York Fashion Week! Because our eyes were glued to the TV, we came up with a list of the best hairstyles spotted at NYFW.
We had our stylist friends give us insider tips and secrets on recreating these hairstyles for everyday wear. 25 New Haircuts to Show Your Stylist: Revamp Your Look! If you're really ready to revamp your look, peep our list of hot new haircuts to rock this season.
There is something for everyone here! Pining after Marilyn Monroe’s luscious curls or Bettie Page’s full bangs? Then you’re in luck, because today we have a list of 20 totally sexy vintage hairstyles that are perfect for the modern woman.
If you think you know pixies, think again! These incredibly chic pixie haircuts prove that not all pixies are created equal. Check out our favorite 20 weave hairstyles you can recreate in minutes!
Are you ready for some serious straight hair inspiration? Tease up your straight strands into one of these extraordinary hairstyles! You won’t believe how great these sexy hairstyles look on women with round faces!
In search of a hairstyle that will make your fine hair appear thicker?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.