I like all the Pixar moviesbut my favorites are Toy Story 1and 2, A Bug's Life , Finding Nemo and Ratatouille . My little niece likes Ratatouille. She was surprised when she saw the rat cooking.
She even told me that she wants to learn how to cook because a rat is smaller than her but can cook. She is just two years old and blabs a lot. Finding Nemo, is one of the movies that we could watch three times a day and not get tired of it.
It’s hilarious and one of the best Pixar movies for kids and even adults like me ïŠ I have not seen toy story 3 yet, but from the reviews that I have read, it seems like the exciting trend continues.
I like all the Pixar moviesbut my favorites are Toy Story 1and 2, A Bug's Life , Finding Nemo and Ratatouille . My little niece likes Ratatouille. She was surprised when she saw the rat cooking.
She even told me that she wants to learn how to cook because a rat is smaller than her but can cook. She is just two years old and blabs a lot. Finding Nemo, is one of the movies that we could watch three times a day and not get tired of it.
It’s hilarious and one of the best Pixar movies for kids and even adults like me ï? Š I have not seen toy story 3 yet, but from the reviews that I have read, it seems like the exciting trend continues.
Wall-E, Cars, A Bugs Life, and I really liked Toy Story 3. Ever Pixar movie I've seen I've loved from start to finish. They're all a excellent masterpiece.My blog: pixarmovieslist.blogspot.com.
The best pixar movies I watched are following:- 1-Pixar - (Ice Age) Scrat in Gone Nutty 2-Pixar - Adventures of Andre and Wally B 3-Pixar - For the Birds 4-Pixar - Geri's Game 5-Pixar - Tin Toy watching these is a kind of fun.. I love these movies.
Here my top 5 list of Pixar movies in order of enjoyment. 1. Up 2.
Wall E 3. Monster Inc 4. Ratatouille 5 The Incredible s.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.