There are so many themes to choose from. Anything or event that means a lot to a person can be used as a theme. The most important thing is to be creative.
Here are some great unique wedding themes: • Hawaiian wedding theme • Winter wedding theme • Tropical wedding theme • Western wedding theme • Beach wedding theme • Black and white wedding theme • Asian wedding theme • Elizabethan wedding theme • Tiffany blue wedding theme • Fairy tale wedding theme • Spring wedding theme • Daisy wedding theme • Cinderella wedding theme • Fall wedding theme • Garden wedding theme • Calla lily wedding theme • Beach wedding theme • Angel wedding theme • Country wedding theme • Greek wedding theme • Halloween wedding theme • Prom wedding theme • Italian wedding theme • Nautical wedding theme • Butterfly wedding theme • Summer wedding theme • Las Vegas wedding theme • Spanish wedding theme • Medieval wedding theme • Movie wedding theme • Victorian wedding theme • Disney wedding theme • Ocean wedding theme • Christmas wedding theme • Irish wedding theme
Butterfly favors are quite in fashion nowadays and they could be implemented differently in different seasons. Since a majority of the weddings take place during spring time butterfly favors would form the best wedding decors. These could either be purchased or made prior to the wedding day depending on whatever suits the bride and the groom.
Here are some ideas for butterfly favors/centerpieces: You can also release butterflies at your wedding. Most of the modern-day weddings are ending with the butterfly releases as the newlywed couple walks out of the church after the wedding ceremony.As the couple exits the church, many hundreds of butterflies are released slowly into the skies, and we can understand why the new generation is fond of this practice. It is such a lovely seen to watch as the colorful butterflies take flight to the skies and even the couple's photographs with butterflies can be really lovely pieces.
More on the Butterfly Release -
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.