I think one of the best methods of preventing blemishes is changing pillow cases frequently and using witch hazel as an astringent on oily skin. Now, witch hazel shouldn't be used on dry skin or overly used on any skin. I have very oily skin, and I just use a small amount on a cotton ball in the mornings after I wake up.My sister uses Clean and Clear products on her face.
They work well, but I can't afford them. I never had problems with acne or blemishes until after I had my son at the age of 28. I also try to wash my face during the middle of the day too with just a mild soap.
If I get sweaty or oily, that's it for my skin. Keeping the oily down is a big part of mine. I don't recommended her picking at them.
It can cause the pours to enlarge, become infected or scar. I also recommended practicing effective hand washing techniques. I touch my face a lot, and after eating greasy foods sometimes.
Keeping the hands clean should help.
I find that 10 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of clove oil in 2 teaspoons of organic therapeutic grade joboba or grapeseed oil in a small spray bottle is very effective at killing the bacteria that causes acne. Make sure the essential oils are 100% pure essential oils (I use the brand Aura Cacia). I use one small spray spread over the face before moisturizer and it keeps me from getting blemishes I sometimes get from telephone/cell phone use.
The other contributing factor for acne is turnover of skin cells. A gentle exfolient should be used, such as a fruit acid peel (which can be made by crushing pineapple and papaya and letting set on skin for 5 min or so and then rinsed off - used once or twice weekly - test first on the inside of the wrist to make sure it doesn't irritate). There are also a number of great recipes for similar skin care items in the book Organic Body Care - which has many many many more and better recipes.
Lastly, I suggest she clean her cell phone or telephone with a cotton pad with isopropyl alocohol (used very sparingly - just slightly damp) to kill bacteria on the phone and that she refrain from touching her face.
My daughter was getting pimples and blemishes and we invested in a facial steamer. You can get them pretty cheap right now, I think we paid about $17, but now you can find them cheaper. You may want to check out Ebay, they can be super cheap there, or even Walmart.
I have her wash her face with just a mild soap morning and night and about 2 times a week we use the steamer. To my surprise her pimples and blemishes have cleared up quite a bit. My spouse tried the Proactiv, but it was expensive.It DID work.
In the Proactive kit was a facial astringent, a facial scrub and a lotion. We went to the dollar store and found an astringent and apricot facial scrub and then a face lotion all for $3. Low and behold it works just as good as the Proactiv!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.