On June 21st. 2007 in Maranello, Italy, at a press event kicking off its 60th Anniversary celebration Ferrari unveiled the FXX Millechili Concept. The Ferrari FXX Millechili looks exactly like a sized down Enzo.
The eco Ferrari is made out of cardboard, plastic and paper wheels. So it's not driveable. The Millechili looks like it can hold a V8 or a V12 engine and design wise looks better than the original Enzo.
While the car's crowning stat is a curb weight of 1,000 kilograms, or about 2,207 lbs, some Ferrari insiders called it Millechili which means "1.000 kilos". This is probably because represents the carmaker’s future strategy for "leaner and greener" cars thus improving its image in the eyes of environmentalists. Ferrari will be introducing a raft of new fuel-saving technologies in the future, including making its cars lighter, smaller and more aerodynamic.
Energy efficiency will play a much larger role in the design of future Ferraris as this concept has shown. The Millechili is much smaller and its weight is 365 kilos less than that of the original Enzo. It measures over ten inches shorter than the Enzo (93.7 inches compared to the Enzo's length of 104.3 inches).
It has a 237.99 cm wheelbase and the distance between the nose and the top of the windshield is much shorter too (43.3 inches versus the bigger car 49.1 inches) giving it a much shorter front overhang. Out back, the rear overhang has been lopped off. A lighter car requires smaller breaks and lighter suspensions which improve on handling.No one seems able to offer any details on how Ferrari plans to make its cars more environmentally friendly.
The words "diesel" and "hybrid" were never mentioned, which leads one to believe Ferrari plans to use new techniques, perhaps adapted from F1 racing, to significantly reduce the weight of its vehicles. The other side of the coin one would guess involves improving the efficiency of its engines, though Ferrari noted that it will not allow performance to be sacrificed.
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