What are the smallest country and the poorest country in the world?

Similar questions: smallest country poorest world.

Vatican City is the smallest country, the poorest differs Vatican City is the smallest country. Although there is no official language, Italian is by far the most widely spoken language there. SMALLEST COUNTRIES (in sq mi) 2007 1.

Vatican City 0.17 2. Monaco 0.75 3. Nauru 8.11 4.

Tuvalu 10.04 5. San Marino 23.63 Which country is poorest differs according to the way it is measured. The CIA World Factbook has four countries tied for last place: 226 Solomon Islands Official language English 227 Comoros Official languages Comorian, Arabic, French 228 Somalia Official language Somali 229 Malawi Official languages English (official) Chichewa (national) The World Bank has Burundi in last place.

The official languages there are Kirundi and French. Infoplease Country Statistics at a Glance supergrover's Recommendations The CIA World Factbook 2008 (Cia World Factbook) Amazon List Price: $12.95 Used from: $9.38 .

The smallest country in the world sits inside another country " Italy ", and the poorest country inside Arfrica I have done extensive traveling in Europe thanks to the Military. You might find this interesting if you don’t already know, The worlds smallest country is where one will find the POPE, Vatican city! Italian is the language naturally.

The second question I had to look up only because of the many choices available that one could fill the blank with. According to GOOGLE Albania is the world poorest country! Language spokane,"Indo-European Language Family" Sources: GOOGLE, MYSELF Google Map View Larger Map Smallest country located near Rome Italy!

Google Map View Larger Map Worlds poorest country .

Vatican City is the smallest. Vatican City is only 0.2 square miles. The next smallest country, Monaco, is over 3 times as large (0.7 square mi) ;-) The poorest countries in the world, based on per capita GDP are Malawi, Somalia, Comoros, and the Solomon Islands.

Sources: Google .

The Vatican and depending on the list either Malawi or Liberia The smallest recognised sovereign country is the Vatican with 54 ha (roughly 120 ac) followed by Monaco The poorest countries by purchasing power are either Liberia or Malawi, depending on the listing Sources: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_...)_per_capita .

Vatican City, Malawi, English and Russian Vatican City - 0.2 square miles.

We are the fattest nation in the world, and the fattest demographic in the USA is the poorest group of people. Why? " "There has been a horrific tragedy in Haiti.It is said to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

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We are the fattest nation in the world, and the fattest demographic in the USA is the poorest group of people. Why?

There has been a horrific tragedy in Haiti. It is said to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

We're only as good as the poorest among us.

Which country is the most mororized in the world.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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