Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing a loss of control in the muscles, damaging vision, problems keeping balance, and other types of nerve damage. The early symptoms of this autoimmune disease include tingling and numbness, weakness in the limbs, vision problems, and increased loss of balance. People with MS may also experience cognitive difficulties and other problems with their brain, that may account for the slurred speech that sometimes occurs, a lack of coordination, and in some cases even paralysis.As the disease progresses, many individuals also show signs of fatigue, sensitivity to heat, muscle spasms, difficulty walking, and impaired cognitive ability.
In more rare, but severe, cases, people with MS could also experience breathing difficulties and seizures.
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease of the spinal cord and brain. The Signs and symptoms of this disease vary, depending on where the affected nerve fibers are located. Some common signs and symptoms of Multiple sclerosis may include: • Dizziness • Weakness or Numbness in one or more limbs, which could be at the lower half of the body or on one side of the body • Tremor, lack of coordination or unsteady gait • Fatigue • Loss of vision.
This could either be Partial or complete loss. And usually occur in one eye at a time. When a person with the diseases moves his eye, he will usually experience pain.
€¢ pain in different parts of the body Note that it is not everybody that suffers from Multiple sclerosis that would experience all this symptoms, some people will only feel a few of the symptoms.
Few of the symptoms of MS are unique to the disease and, even if you have one or more of them, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have multiple sclerosis. However, all of these symptoms deserve medical attention and you should see a doctor if you develop any of them. I've arranged the symptoms into these groupings: Visual, Motor, Sensory, Coordination and Balance, Bowel, Bladder and Sexual, Cognitive and Others.
Please remember that most people with MS won't get most of these symptoms and the ones that seem the most terrifying usually only manifest themselves in the later stages of the disease. It looks like a support for multiple sclerosis is years, or even decades, away. While doctors are still struggling to find a support for MS, you shouldn't have to wait to live the life that you want.
The great news is that there are certain vitamins can repair your damaged nervous system, helping you live a fuller life. Vitaganic's Advanced Formula for Multiple Sclerosis is designed specifically for the needs of people with multiple sclerosis. Taken daily, it can repair your nervous system, improve circulation, and help you get through your day.
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