I did some research on this. And I have concluded that the top 3 Italian Restaurants in San Antonio are: 1. Michelino's: Location: 521 Riverwalk San Antonio, TX 78205 QUOTE from its website: michelinos.us/index.php Try our fabulous Italian specialities, you'll swear you are back in the old country!
Our wine list features superb yet affordable selections to compliment any meal selection. We have been serving San Antonio for over a quarter of a century and are highly regarded for our superb cuisine. END QUOTE CLick here To see their menu: http://michelinos.us/dinnermenu.html
Paesanos Riverwalk Restaurant‎ Location: 111 West Crockett, San Antonio, TX 78205 Pros: Great, noisy atmosphere, good location because it is by the river, therefore providing great views. Great food Cons: Services can be questionable 3. Little Italy Restaurant: Location: 824 Afterglow St, San Antonio, TX 78216 About: QUOTE from Yahoo Local Guide Established in 1983, this North side favorite has three possibilities depending on your dining mood.
One side of the restaurant is cozy and comfortable just right for an intimate repast. On the other side is a wonderful take-out deli, filled with meats and cheeses, as well as the restaurant's bar. If you're in the mood for a large gathering, you can book the Big Apple URL4 matter where you sit (or stand), you will be able to order from a wide selection of real Italian meals.
Every meal comes with a slice of pizza and a side dish of spaghetti. Try the linguini with white clam sauce, followed by one of the restaurant's homemade desserts. If a taste of vino is to your liking, Little Italy's wine cellar is among the best in the city.
END QUOTE Here is what one reviewer said about the restaurant: QUOTE Lived in SA for 13 years. I am from Chicagoland area, so I know good Italiano when I taste it. And litte Italy's is just that...great Italian food.
They are a modest looking place(from the outside anyway) tucked away in a corner, so if you are not searching for it, you will probably miss it. When I got there I noticed the entire "Little Italy's" sign was not completely illuminated. However, the parking lot was jam packed...We went inside and thought we would not get service because we had no reservations..but they managed to get us in in under 10 minutes.
Still, though, I suggest making reservations just in case you arent as lucky as I was. Their pizza was just fantastic. For 13 years I have searched high and low here in SA for good Pizza.
I went to places like Florios and was dissapointed because I had heard all the great reviews they got. So finding Little Italys was such a blessing. The food is a little pricey, but worth the cost because the food is great.
... the service was good and the inside of the establishment looks very nice as well. This is also a great take out place. Just call ahead of time and then pick up and enjoy.
1) Il Sogno -- the food is amazing, but they don't take reservations. A trick is to sit at the "chef's table" a bar right where all the food is made to order. This is my review of the restaurant: sanantoniojoe.com/?p=320 2) Tre Trattoria -- this is a Jason Dady restaurant over in the Heights Area (tretrattoria.com/).
This restaurant is renown in San Antonio, but the main reason to go is because Jason Dady is just one cool chef. Check out this article: ohmypuddin.wordpress.com/2009/09/04/unde... 3) Little Italy -- this is a mom and pop type joint and the dishes are plentiful and tasty. While you are waiting to order, they will bring you a little slice of pizza to try.
So good. http://sanantonio.citysearch.com/profile/10104747/san_antonio_tx/little_italy_restaurant.html.
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